Lightweight scope that dials with zero stop, does it exist?

Leupy stable is currently up to 4 vx5hd 3-15x44 that dial absolutely 100%. I prefer the windplex so I dial elevation and hold wind. Also still shooting 2 first gen vx6 and a vx6hd.
I'm showing the turret is non zero stop unless you do a custom cds dial, which is limited to 14 moa which is 700 yards on my current rifle/bullet combo.
I just bought that exact scope and you are right regarding the zero stop only on the CDS dials. I'm very happy with it and it is very light. I actually thought I was going to be buying a VX5, but the glass was pretty close in terms if clarity and the vx3 was much lighter so I went with it. I highly recommend it. What zero do you have at the calculated max? You could always zero just a little farther out and that would extend your max distance.
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I just bought that exact scope and you are right. I'm very happy with it and it is very light. I actually thought I was going to be buying a VX5, but the glass was pretty close in terms if clarity and the vx3 was much lighter so I went with it. I highly recommend it. Can you get a rail with some MOA built into it? That would get you out a bit farther.

was wondering if using something with 20 moa built in would allow more twist as well.

Can anyone confirm?
was wondering if using something with 20 moa built in would allow more twist as well.

Can anyone confirm?
The more I thought about my post, the more I realized adding an MOA rail doesn't do anything. I think my brain is already on Thanksgiving break, ha. He could accomplish the same thing by zeroing farther, because the internal adjustment limit isn't 14MOA. The 14MOA limit is only in the turrets, so he could start that at a 100 yard zero, or a 300 yard zero without issue and will get 14MOA of adjustment regardless. Not sure what you are asking in terms of twist, however.
The more I thought about my post, the more I realized adding an MOA rail doesn't do anything. I think my brain is already on Thanksgiving break, ha. He could accomplish the same thing by zeroing farther, because the internal adjustment limit isn't 14MOA. The 14MOA limit is only in the turrets, so he could start that at a 100 yard zero, or a 300 yard zero without issue and will get 14MOA of adjustment regardless. Not sure what you are asking in terms of twist, however.

twist as in: turning the turret.
No, the rail will have nothing to do with the twist of the turret. That is dictated by the mechanical design inside the scope and turrets. He can only get 1 full rotation of the turret if he puts the CDS dial on it.
Ok I know they exist but doesn't seem to be many out there. When I say lightweight I'm thinking under 20 ounces and would prefer a pound or less. I don't need tons of magnification, something in the 12-15 on the top end would plenty. About the only one I see out there is the Leupold VX-5 3-15 that weighs in at just over 19 ounces. For those of you that have a vx-5, does it dial correctly every time? I was also looking at the Vxi-3 4-14 cds that only weighs 13 ounces but I'm nervous about that with no capped turrets or zero stop. Anything else out there that you all would trust for a hunting rifle? I'm thinking my budget is $1000ish. Thanks in advance
Have the vx5 on my 300wsm, just picked it up a few months ago. I switched from a vx3i cds. The locking turret is nice, more than once i noticed the dial off zero on the vx3. That being said mine will be headed back to leupold after season is over, i was out in Colorado for elk and noticed 3 spots on the lens. Almost looks like water drops but they've been there for over a month now. Still didn't stop me from killing a nice 6x6.
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