Lightweight rifle setup opinion

Well....that was a couple years ago...
Also, I am left-eye dominant but a right-hand shooter. My left eye had LASIK done in 2012, but the right eye was uncorrected for reading. I opted for monovision because I did not want to wear eyeglasses to read. I wear contacts for bow season. When I was on active duty, combat arms made me shoot left-handed. While shooting better groups, I did not do well on timed shooting because it was awkward.
Eventhough my scopes magnify much higher than 18x I generally find myself somewhere in the 14-20x range even while shooting long. This power seems to lend itself well with a good sight picture to be comfortable and spot hits through the scope still. Although I've found this fits me well I still have yet to buy a scope in the lower magnification powers like the one you're considering. But I'd say if you're trying to go ultralight and 600ish yards is all you plan on shooting I don't see why the extra 8 ounces is worth it.

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