Light recoiling loads. Powder advise


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2015
San Antonio
Hello all,

I am looking to make light recoiling loads for my 280ai. My son is still young but wants to start shooting my larger rifles. Is there a powder that will give a great fill capacity and temperature insensitivity? Also any recommended primers or bullet types that work well in this application?Thank you all in advance for the information.
The only incident I ever had with my loads was using "light loads" for a youngster.....Loads that were supported by a couple of manuals.

I know others will chime in with positive posts, but the phenomenon of light loads exceeding pressure is real.

I'd get a kid specific rifle.

Best wishes however you proceed.
If you are target shooting, then the lightest bullet out there is also a good idea. And, if the $$ allow it, I'd shoot a copper bullet, which are even lighter. Coupled with the powder showing the *slowest* velocities should result in the lowest felt recoil.

That being said, unless junior really want to shoot the big gun, starting off with a .223 or the like is really a nice idea. I had a relatively heavy barreled sporter in .243 once that was just a dream to shoot -- loaned it to a nephew and pretty soon I was getting requests to sell to him from his parents. Still regret letting that gun go. Perfect deer rifle for the recoil sensitive person. Stuck everything under an inch, regardless if it was factory or my finest handloads.
This and also Hodgdon Trailboss. Check out Hodgdon's web site or call them for starting loads with trailboss
Yes I was going to say Trail boss as well, which is made by ADI & sold in the USA under the Hodgdon banner.
This is What ADI says on their website-

There is a general method for load development using Trail Boss propellant for any cartridge and projectile combination.
Find the charge weight of Trail Boss which would fill the case up to the base of the seated projectile. This is the maximum load. Pressures will be below the maximum average pressure limit for the cartridge.

Take 70% of the above maximum charge weight. This is the starting load.
Begin your load development from the starting load and work up until you find the best reduced load for your firearm.

Still there is specific data somewhere but cant find it atm.

In some cartridges it creates a sub sonic round which some people like for say 300 blackout.

In other cartridges it get you anywhere between 1400-2000fps depending on bullet sellection.

Of course you could also just reduce your bullet weight & use a minimum load of a standard powder.

Good luck.

Edit: found it-

+1 to H4895. And also use lighter bullets, say 120-130 grain. If you can find load data for H4895 for your cartridge then Hodgdon advises you can go as low as 60% of the max charge published. I ve found 70% of max to work quite well in various calibers and also shot moa ... what's not to like

If you Google 'Winchester Youth loads' you ll find information on how to develop your loads. Good luck
Hodgdon® H4895® REDUCED RIFLE LOADS for Youth Hunting, Informal Target and Plinking
Hodgdon Powder Company developed the following reduced loads for use on deer and similarly sized game animals. The bullets chosen were originally designed for single shot pistols and their lower velocities. These rifle loads have been developed to closely approximate those pistol velocities, resulting in similar performance on game animals. Thus, producing loads effective to 200 yards with minimal recoil.
H4895 powder was chosen because it is the slowest burning propellant that ignites uniformly in reduced charges. For years H4895 has been the top choice of cast bullet shooters. For this type of shooting, loads are reduced even more than the hunting loads listed here. To create this type of target and plinking loads, we recommend our 60% rule with H4895: Refer to our latest reloading manual or the Reloading Data Center found on this website; take the maximum H4895 charge listed for any given cartridge and multiply it by 60%. The shooter can create a 1500 to 2100 f/s load, depending on the bullet weight shown. This works ONLY where H4895 is listed. DO NOT use H4895 in a cartridge where it has not been shown.
Call Hodgdon Powder Company if additional information is needed. Loads may be adjusted up or down to achieve best accuracy. However, DO NOT reduce by more than an additional 10%.
Sample Reduced Loads
Bullet Weight (Gr.)
Bullet Diam.
C.O.L. Grs. Vel. (Ft/s) Pressure
Bullet Weight (Gr.)
Bullet Diam.
C.O.L. Grs. Vel. (Ft/s) Pressure
243 WINCHESTER Barrel: 24"
Case: Winchester Primer: Winchester LR 28.5 2704 31,100 CUP
270 WINCHESTER Barrel: 24"
100 GR. HDY SP 110 GR. SIE SPT
.277" .277"
3.145" 3.145"
Case: Winchester Primer: Winchester LR 36.0 2604 28,000 CUP
36.2 2594 29,100 CUP
308 WINCHESTER Barrel: 24"
125 GR. NOS BT 130 GR. HDY SSP 135 GR. SIE SP
Case: Winchester Primer: Federal 210M
.308" .308" .308"
2.800" 2.700" 2.700"
38.0 2592 37.0 2542 36.5 2494
31,600 CUP 30,800 CUP 30,500 CUP
Barrel: 24"
125 GR. NOS BT 130 GR. HDY SSP 135 GR, SIE SP
Case: Winchester Primer: Winchester LR
Case: Winchester Primer: Winchester LRM
39.0 2677 30,800 PSI 40.0 2702 33,900 PSI
100 GR. HDY SP 110 GR. SIE SPT
.277" .277"
2.700" 2.700"
.308" .308" .308"
3.270" 3.220" 3.160"
40.5 2615 39.0 2544 39.0 2495
31,200 CUP 31,500 CUP 30,800 CUP
7X57mm MAUSER Barrel: 24"
120 GR. NOS BT 130 GR. SIE SPT
.284" .284"
3.000" 3.000"
Case: Winchester Primer: Winchester LR 37.0 2603 37,900 CUP
36.3 2510 38,600 CUP
Case: Remington Primer: Remington 9 1/2M
125 GR. NOS BT 130 GR. HDY SSP 135 GR. SIE SP
.308" 2.825" .308" 2.750" .308" 2.720"
42.5 2604 42.0 2560 41.0 2499
29,200 PSI 30,000 PSI 29,700 PSI
7mm-08 REMINGTON Barrel: 24"
120 GR. HDY SP
.284" .284"
2.800" 2.800"
Case: Remington Primer: Remington 9 1/2 35.6 2605 34,700 CUP
35.2 2503 32,500 CUP
Case: Winchester Primer: Winchester LRM
125 GR. NOS BT 130 GR. HDY SSP 135 GR. SIE SP
.308" 2.810" .308" 2.720" .308" 2.720"
43.5 2596 42.5 2554 41.5 2507
27,000 PSI 28,400 PSI 28,600 PSI
Case: Remington Primer: Remington 9 1/2M
39.5 2595 31,000 PSI 39.5 2500 32,200 PSI
120 GR. NOS BT 130 GR. SIE SPT
.284" .284"
2.800" 2.750"
Case: Winchester Primer: Winchester LR
125 GR. NOS BT 130 GR. HDY SP 135 GR. SIE SP
.308" .308" .308"
3.300" 3.250" 3.250"
46.0 2621 44.5 2546 44.0 2498
24,100 CUP 23,800 CUP 23,900 CUP
7mm REMINGTON MAGNUM Barrel: 24"
3.230" 3.250"
Case: Winchester Primer: Winchester LR 41.2 2609 32,200 CUP
41.2 2501 29,900 CUP
Hodgdon Powder Company 6231 Robinson Street Shawnee Mission, KS
Here are the loads that Hodgdon used to publish on their website. Now it is what is posted above. The "how-to" instead of the data.


  • H4895 Reduced Rifle Loads.pdf
    51.8 KB · Views: 232
My son was 6 years old when he started shooting his 280AI. He was shooting a Remington XR-100 in 22/250 from 4-6 years old. He shoots 168 grain Accubond LR's with 56.5 grains of 4831SC and has never complained about recoil with it. His rifle weighs 11lbs 8ounces and has a brake on it. He started shooting competitions at 8 years old and would shoot around 100 rounds in a day with it. Hope this helps.
This is not a suggestion, just sharing an experience, although this may work for you.
During a previous powder drought, I found myself with only powders used for my big magnums. I needed to load some 308 Win for 100 yd deer hunting with 150 soft points, so I tried a full case of V570 knowing that pressure would be a complete non-issue. Got around 2500 fps versus my 2850 fps Varget loads (21" barrel), with fantastic accuracy and pussycat recoil. No unburned powder in the barrel either. Only downside? Its louder and flashier, but the deer are already too dead to notice!
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