leupold vx5hd wind plx fire dot

Just beginning some research on the Leupold scopes. Leupold's website states none of the VX-6HD scopes are currently available with the FireDot Wind-Plex reticle. What am I missing? I see a FireDot Duplex is available, and lots of other FireDot options... Very few with Wind-Plex.

Leupold will change the reticle for you, or build a scope with custom reticle for a fee of course-- it's called the "custom shop"-- only way to do this though is to call them directly (iirc) --- not all reticles are available on all scopes so you must call to see if it's even possible.

I did hear that leupy was supposed to add more lighted reticle options to the vx5-hd line this year-- but have not seen any yet, and it's a little too late for hunting season this year anyway (at least in CO anyway as we are starting 1st season, and will be coming up on 2nd season in a few weeks) maybe we will se some either late this year or spring of next year for shot show.
That's a misprint in the paper add , cabelas website (and leupold) have no such "standard" stocked beast
Anyone else annoyed that Cabela's seems to be doing this more and more lately? A couple of months back they were running a sale on the Rem700 ADL Varmint. Flyer in the mail said it included 6.5 creed. I looked online and it wasn't listed as an option. Called the store and they said it didn't exist. I've heard of bait and switch but listing items that don't even exist is ridiculous.

I didn't particularly want the rifle, as I've been avoiding the creed for no real reason other than I already have two other 6.5 chamberings, but the sale price and my past positive experience with the ADL varmint made me want to cash in some gift cards to give that cartridge a try on the cheap.
That's what I'd call a regular mistake. No way to cash in on an item that doesn't exist, and no way for Cabela's to know it was a dream rifle.
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