Leupold AR 3-9 Mil-Dot URGENT QUESTION!!!


Jan 26, 2011
Would it be really dumb to put this scope on another rifle and caliber other than an AR in 5.56?? I know it has the BD reticle for a 55 bullet, but if it has a mil-dot reticle so couldn't I just use that and ignore the BD compensator? I just like the features of the scope and the price. Any opinions? Thanks so much!
The way I see it the scope would work you could just use the mil dot reticle and go from there. It does not have a DB reticle it has a standard mil dot, it does have a BD turret you could just chart the numbers for your loads drop. I would contact leupold and see if you can get a standard MOA turret made that would solve that problem
the one thing I dont like is it only has 55 moa of adjustment in it.
that will eally limit you
I would probably just put this on my CZ 550 6.5X55 and maybe switch it to a Savage Mk 2 .22lr sometimes. So, I wouldn't be doing any extreme long range shooting.
Then I say it would work just fine
I would still get ahold of leupold I would guess you could get a standard moa turret for less then 100 bucks I think the cds turrrets run around 80 bucks
Thanks.....Another reason that I chose this scope is that I can get it for free through work. Another option I can get as well is the Leupold 56780 3-9x40 with a duplex reticle, but I figured the mil-dot on the AR scope would be nice, plus I guess they pass the same tests that the mk 4 has to go through.
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Just about any ballistics program has an option for zeroing the mil-dot reticle. Run the #'s on your rig/load,run the ballistics program, test it, troubleshoot if necessary, make a dope sticker, put it in a Butler Creek scope cap cover, and go hunting.
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