lets hear it pa boys,howd ya do"ridge to ridge"?

30-06 boy

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2005
south central pa
i took a nice 9 point the first day (treestand).we took a descent 7 point @ 550 first saturday. glassed 1 legal buck and 2 pretty good ones throughout the season , and for various reasons never presented us with a clean shot. we were also very pleasd with the amount of does we were seing.how about you guys. better luck than us?
not from pa, but pretty close (wv) took a shooter buck (4.5 yo 7 point) at 307, does at 702, and 1,350 yds, got 4 more days of doe season starting x-mas eve.
I took this buck the first Tuesday with one shot at 650 yards.Watched this buck go about his daily business for the better part of two weeks.He would leave the corn fields in the valley below where I set up every morning between 6:45 and 6:55 a.m..He was there on time sunday before season.Then Monday he was a no show.Poached I thought.Saw 5 racked bucks monday out of 27 deer.Back at her tuesday.Tuesday morning again a no show.Glassed the mountain and valley all day.19 deer with two nice bucks mixed in.Then at 4 oclock I spun my glasses to my right to glass a small patch of woods about 50 feet square and there he was standing.Was probably there monday also...Just never thought of looking there.Got a range put the clicks on the scope and the rest is history
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Congrats, you PA boys. I envy you your hunting territory. Really looks fun to hunt.
Hey Boyd, haven't heard from you in quite a while, thought maybe you fell in a deep hole and couldn't get out. That's a nice deer, did you get that with the .300 WSM or the 6.5 Heaton? That buck sure looks like one I've been seeing cross the road by the river bridge where you and I went bear hunting several years ago. Am I correct? If so that's a pretty steep downhill shot to the valley. Congrats again. Did Jenna get out hunting with you?
darryl tells me ive met boyd heaton, but i cant rember.
now i can put a face to the name.
nice buck boyd. hopefully we'll meet again.

KEVIN we didnt hookup either. i saw your gang up in the hollow at the big rock. they were banging away up there. guess it was second monday. we can see that from our yard. with snow we can shoot at that from across the road. but hell its about a mile or more, and we cant shoot as good as you. i didnt leave camp much. i was gunshy about the icy roads. the boys killed 2 and missed 4 or 5. a 12 year old did most of the shooting. finally got his first buck. about 850 w/ the 30/378. a happy kid. im told john didnt make it due to surgery. fill me in . merry xmas to all, ernie
HI Ernie,
I was at camp that day but a buddy and I were hunting out of Watertrough, the back side of Smith. 2 of the shots you heard that day were from me and my friend John. 2 shots 2 deer. Both called head shots, 1 at 600 and 1 at 750. We were done at drinking beer at Wee Bulls my noon. I have some video and pics after Christmas I'll try to get on. I do have a photo of the buck I killed the first week under "745 PA Buck". Talk to you later.
very nice kevin, not many 10 pointers around there.
bucks are definatly getting nicer w/ restrictions in place.
hopefully this winter wont hammer them . lots of ice im told.
not sure i could hear your shots from where you were. 1 shot dosent say much anyway.
i could tell frank weber and boys were working on 1 in nanny first day. its easy to tell the good shooters. a different rythem.
now kevin, your surely not going to stand there without a smile and say you were aiming for a head shot?
i could tell frank weber and boys were working on 1 in nanny first day. its easy to tell the good shooters. a different rythem.

Pardon my ignorance but what does that mean?

I absolutely can tell you we were aimng for the head. Both were does and our rule is nothing but head shots on does. We don't want to ruin any meat. I have my friend Johns doe kill at 600 on video. The day before he took 4 shots at one at 625 and the wake looked perfect on everyone but there was some fine brush in front that we thought we could get through. That deer never moved after every shot and John just held on the same spot and squeezed another one off. He hit the same piece of brush on every shot. I told him afterwards it looked like a nice group:D. Whenever I get time and figure out this editing stuff I'll post it.
I watched mine at 750 and my camera man (I won't mention any names) had ahold of the tripod arm and just the vibrations from him makes the video so shaky it's hard to see anything. I have some pretty nice footage from this year, I'll share when time permits.


I believe Ernie means by "working on one" that they kept shooting and shooting and shooting and shooting. Sometimes there are slight pauses between shots and sometimes there can be a 1/2 hour lull or more while waiting for a good shot. Some guys would rather just put lead in the air and fire 20 rounds than wait for a good opportunity and fire one well placed shot. I still have a few guys I hunt with who claim "if the lead ain't flying, your deer ain't dying". I have a hard time hunting with them and I have caught grief because I let good bucks go over the years just because I didn't want to take a half *** shot just to say I shot. When I pull the trigger I expect to hit what I'm shooting at and if I miss I get frustrated until I can figure out why. Usually it's operator error, like not correcting enough for wind. But misses do happen, and we try to make a correction and take a clean shot on the next one.
Well, I'll be D'd, so that's Boyd Heaton! Your daughter is way cuter and probably out shoots ya once in awhile. If I recall correctly she has the niftiest trigger slap I've ever seen. (an envy emoticon goes here)

Howdy Boyd, haven't heard from ya in years.

Good shootin'. It's good to hear that you guys have quite a culture continuing to develop.

Looks like I'm gonna have to go back to Butler or Clarion counties to get anything killed.:rolleyes:

Is Baldeaglexxx still hanging in there. I remember sending him some Lost Rivers for his 270 that didn't shoot worth a squat.:)

Have yurself a super new year.
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