Leica 1600 LRF: actual use?


Once you get used to the B model, it's actually very easy to switch things around.

1. Two buttons: Main and Red

2. Turn on unit with main button. Hold red button until "EU.US" starts blinking.

3. Now, start pressing the red button over and over and over. You toggle through "Ball", "SLD", "ABC" and "EU.US", over and over. These are the four main themes you can go "into" and make your choices.

4. When you want chose one of the four themes, simply stop at the one you want and push the main button.

5. Keep pushing the main button over and over until you see the choice you want.

6. Push the red button to "set" you choice.


A. EU.US = either European as in metric (meters) or US as in imperial (yds)

B. Ball = 12 ballistic curves. One of the beauty items about this LRF is that you can be sitting next to your hunting/shooting partner and if a shot presents itself for him, it literally takes about 9-10 seconds to switch to a different curve if his is different than yours. This fall, I'll be in Montana, hunting elk with my best friend. I use curve #4 and he'll use #1. You're not locked into one curve like you would be with something akin to the Leupold CDS or a Kenton elev turrets which are preset to a predetermined altitude and temp.

C. SLC = 100, 200 or 300 yd/meter zero range.

D. ABC = Units of elev change = EHR, Hold, 1-1, 1-3, 1-4, 10, and 5.

EHR = you know what that is.
1-1 = 1 moa elev change per click
1-3 = 1/3 moa elev change per click
1-4 = 1/4 moa elev change per click
10 = 10 cm elev change per click
5 = 5 cm elev change per click

If you want as accurate a temp reading as possible, don't keep in tucked in a pocket close to your body "heat". An external pocket is better. It's susceptible to both radient (sun) as well as convection (body) heat sources.

If you want to simply pull the temp, baro and angle measurements with out going through the turn on step, simply push the red button and all three will appear in sequence.

Hope this all helps. Holler if you need more help.

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Hi Alan,

Thanks heaps for taking the time to write all that down. I have basically got the hang of most of it. However, if i set the rangefinder in the EHR mode, does it only give me the adjusted measurement. At the moment, it only gives me the one distance reading whether I point it steeply up hill.

I am only really concerned with EHR as I do have a Leupold CDS turret on my scope, so I only really need to know what the equilivant horizontal range is, as then I can just adjust my scope very quickly.

I guess I thought that when in EHR mode the rangefinder would firstly give me the actual distance, followed by the adjusted distance. I can only get it to give me the one distance. BUT that could be the adjusted distance.

Thanks a lot and sorry for taking up so much of your time.

I'll be the first to say my EHR experience with my B model is limited to testing it out my upstairs bedroom window and discovering it won't work within 100 yds. I did this to see if it could be used for bowhunting from a tree stand.

I think a test is in order. Since I live within 1100 yds of 11,000' mountains (you probably do too if you're on the South island) we should go to the base of them and range some items at steep angles in both EHR and normal mode; ok?

First to report back gets a paid hunting trip at the other's location:D

Ready, set, GO!

Hi Alan,

Thanks heaps for taking the time to write all that down. I have basically got the hang of most of it. However, if i set the rangefinder in the EHR mode, does it only give me the adjusted measurement. At the moment, it only gives me the one distance reading whether I point it steeply up hill.

I am only really concerned with EHR as I do have a Leupold CDS turret on my scope, so I only really need to know what the equilivant horizontal range is, as then I can just adjust my scope very quickly.

I guess I thought that when in EHR mode the rangefinder would firstly give me the actual distance, followed by the adjusted distance. I can only get it to give me the one distance. BUT that could be the adjusted distance.

Thanks a lot and sorry for taking up so much of your time.

I've got the same dilemma. The manual states that we should get line of site range, followed by the EHR but mine only gives me one reading. I played around a little with the ballistic function one time and it didn't seem to work either so I'm thinking I might need to send it back to Leica if I want those things fixed.
I win!

Figured it out! When in the EHR mode, once I range an item, wait a few seconds and a "SECOND" range will appear!

325 yds @ 25 degrees gave 289 yds
586 yds @ 30 degrees gave 508 yds
854 yds @ 25 degrees gave 758 yds

I wasn't waiting a few seconds, instead removing the LRF from my eye before the 2nd range appeared. When in the other modes, 1-1, 1-3, 1-4, etc, it takes a second or two to give you your dope.

I then ranged some close stuff and found out the EHR quits working some where between 80 and 85 yds and less.

This will give you what you want to 875 yds; not a yard more! Found a great rock to ping off of at 877 and NO joy! No drop nor corrected range.

So, when do I get to hunt with you on the South Island?:D

The ridge I was ranging up on...

Thanks again. Problem is, I've tried doing all that out to over 600yrds while hunting. I never got the second reading. I see that "browning lover" is having the same problem as me.

You come to nz I'll take you hunting!!
Thanks again. Problem is, I've tried doing all that out to over 600yrds while hunting. I never got the second reading. I see that "browning lover" is having the same problem as me.

You come to nz I'll take you hunting!!

I wonder if you and I got bad ones. If you contact Leica let me know what they say, and if I ever get around to calling them I'll let you know what I find out too.
Sit down outside with the MANUAL and go through it step by step. You need to know which of the drop charts you will want to use and the various settings before hand. USE THE MANUAL and I bet it will work.

I had my hands on two of them, bought one at Cabela's and then found a bit better deal. First one I got, I did it by the book and it worked great. The second one I went in and thought I could just do it by memory, and it never worked, I thought it was broke. Bottom line you can't just go in and try and turn on the EHr setting without the other factors at the SAME time.

I do have an extra one that is in NEW condition and is all set up I might sell. Unregistered with a new receipt copy included.
Had a 1600 (not the latest model) and I wasn't very impressed by it. Couldn't range off a white target over 1200 yards. As for ballistic calc, I just use a card with a set density altitude for the shooting environment. Not sure if the Leica would account for the changing environments. ie I was shooting in the morning and then when it reached afternoon the density altitude had varied by 2000!

Now I run with a Vectronix that ranges easily out to 2800 yards at a rock. :D
I own the 1600 and have played with a couple B models. I don't think anyone is going to be happy with either unit if they are buying them for the ballistic features. They both use ballistic curves in place of BC so if your bullet/velocity combo doesn't match the curve you are out of luck. Even if it does match fairly close there is no way to fine tune your ballistic curve at all.

The G7BR2 is really the only option for a ballistic rangefinder. I think there should be some good competition coming down the pipe soon but for now I wouldn't bother with anything else.

Now from a pure range finder point of view the Leica is excellent. It ranges very well past 1600 yards and gives angle, temp, and pressure which essentially eliminates the need to carry a wind meter.


Scot E.
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