Learning from non-hunters!


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
I've hiked the 161 miles of the Appalachian Trail thru New Hampshire and the White Mountains. Pack weight is a huge issue when climbing. Most of my research was conducted via YouTube. Learning from those whom had gone before was a tremendous help. They have tested all the gear and give you great reviews.

My hunting pack carries most of gear used on the AT. It's simple gear that works!!

Check out the Bloggers for the Appalachian Trail, Pacific Crest Trail or the Continental Divide Trail.
When I started getting into the backpacking/long hunting game I did the same. The ones I really like are the "two weeks in and all the gear we dumped" videos. I helped me greatly in choosing what's important and what were "kitchen sink" things, they had some of the most helpful water cleaning videos I'd seen.
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