learned a lesson


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2011
i have a knight disc extreme 50 cal. went hunting today to fill the freezer some more. had a big doe at 15 yards, pulled trigger, primer went small delay then powder. only thing i can guess is condensation from taking my box of supplies, including powder, from cold truck to house.. at least it didnt wound her, she got away unscathed
I'm shooting 6 year old Pioneer sticks. Had the same thing happen to me, bang, delay, boom. Got both of my big does though. Powder shoots fine, just don't like the delay. I plan on pitching the rest of it after Ohio muzzleloader is over.
I think I know what the problem is..
I have 2 Knight disk and never a problem until I started using Black horn 209. All my friends use it and love it. They boast the best accuracy of any powder tried, easy reload, and cleans up fast and easy with Hoppe's #9.(no more water down the barrel- I like that). The one problem it has is that it lights hard. The Mfg. recommends a reg 209 or better yet a mag 209.
I tried it in both knights and had a hang fire ever time.....pop......bang. Then called the mfg tech support, They suggested the problem was primer crud built up in the breach plug. He was right. I used a torch tip cleaner wire to clean the small hole,(bought it at the hardware store) and a drill bit in the large hole that I just spun with my fingers. It took some effort the first try as the crud was hard and didn't want to break loose.... No more hang fires. If I'm at the range, about every 4 shots I stick a paper clip wire in to clean the small hole and at about 15 shots I pull the bolt, then the breach plug, clean out the holes well, skip more anti seize goop, put the plug back in, etc, and back to shooting. 209 has never causes problems removing the plug, but it needs lots of primer fire.
I hope this helps.
I've been hunting with a Knight Disc Extreme for a long time with Triple 7 with no problems.Last summer I tried BH209.My Exreme being updated breechplug and the right tight sabots and once in a while I experimented miss fire.
Went back to T-7 FFFG and no more problems.Cleaning the two differents powder took almost the same time.
I dont think the problem was related to a fouled breech plug. I do basically the same steps to clean it. this hangfire occured with a clean gun that i checked the flash hole before loading. And with the second shot going off perfect with powder that was not taken from cold to warm to get condesation, I have to assume that condensation was the issue. But i will never know for sure.

I also tried blackhorn 209. Started getting hang fires on the third shot. i was told that you need a breech plug with a slightly larger flash hole and a magnum primer for proper ignition. So it was back to 777
I shoot a Knight with B209, no problems after several years. I've used the orange discs, red, & the breech plug(Lehigh) with no disc. I've only had a problem when I was reusing some orange discs a few years ago. I keep things clean & use CCI Mag primers.
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