Largest bull elk ever taken!

Unfortunately BIG Trophy hunting, even fair chase, is becoming more and more a wealthy man's sport.

Good example of what I'm talking about is the 436 bull Dan Agnew shot in 2008. He purchased the Gov. Tag by being high bidder then hired a guide service to track and follow this huge bull. When the season opened the guide service he hired knew were it was at because they had been tracking and watching this bull. They called Mr. Agnew, who, not that this really matters but isn't a Wa. resident, told him to come on down and shoot his prized trophy bull. Technically, it is still considered fair chase because it wasn't shot in a high fence area but I struggle to see what was fair chase about it.

Mr. Agnew also purchased this years Gov. tag and shot a 408 bull in Wa. and I believe another monster a few weeks later in Utah.

I don't begrudge people with large amounts of money in any way. I'm not saying I would never do such a thing even if I had endless amounts of it but I don't put the same value or have the same respect for a hunt like this versus one where a guy/s work their butts off hunting around for a nice size bull. And that's after they waited god knows how many years just to get drawn. I'm not nor have I ever been a big fan of being able to buy a big bull, anywhere, with any leagal weapon, tag.
Unfortunately BIG Trophy hunting, even fair chase, is becoming more and more a wealthy man's sport.

Good example of what I'm talking about is the 436 bull Dan Agnew shot in 2008. He purchased the Gov. Tag by being high bidder then hired a guide service to track and follow this huge bull. When the season opened the guide service he hired knew were it was at because they had been tracking and watching this bull. They called Mr. Agnew, who, not that this really matters but isn't a Wa. resident, told him to come on down and shoot his prized trophy bull. Technically, it is still considered fair chase because it wasn't shot in a high fence area but I struggle to see what was fair chase about it.

Mr. Agnew also purchased this years Gov. tag and shot a 408 bull in Wa. and I believe another monster a few weeks later in Utah.

I don't begrudge people with large amounts of money in any way. I'm not saying I would never do such a thing even if I had endless amounts of it but I don't put the same value or have the same respect for a hunt like this versus one where a guy/s work their butts off hunting around for a nice size bull. And that's after they waited god knows how many years just to get drawn. I'm not nor have I ever been a big fan of being able to buy a big bull, anywhere, with any leagal weapon, tag.

+1 on that! The way it's going, we will soon operate like British Royalty......Rich
I've heard all kinds of crazy $$$ figures as to how much Mr. Agnew spent attaining that 436 bull. Anywhere from $25k to $75k+. I could easily see how it was between $25-$50K when everything was added in.
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