Larger objective for light vs lower mounting advantages

The Oregonian

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2012
Missoula, Montana
I understand that a larger objective has light advantages but that one of the main penalties is the height above the barrel.

How significant is the disadvantage of having to mount higher the larger objective?

The scope I think I want is available in 50mm...I could get a smaller objective but would have to go to lower magnification range. But I would like to understand better the trade-offs involved.

I understand that a larger objective has light advantages but that one of the main penalties is the height above the barrel.

How significant is the disadvantage of having to mount higher the larger objective?

The scope I think I want is available in 50mm...I could get a smaller objective but would have to go to lower magnification range. But I would like to understand better the trade-offs involved.

It depends on your comb height; do you have a cheek riser that will adjust that high?
Other than that, the scope height is simply a variable you apply to your drop calculation.
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