<font color="red">Here it is again with pictures. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif </font>
OK another day of firsts. First day of "seriously" shooting a 375 H&H from the bench and first shot @ posting pictures.
The target
The ladder extension - 4 more shots (total of 25 for the session.
Data Table
Plot of velocities
We'll see if the images made it.
Well I said I was gonna do it and I did it Am I nuts or what?
Did the bore sight thing and first bullet hit high on the target (Marked S in that top bunch of holes). Started cranking the down knob. Went way too far. Cranked it up, not far enough. Cranked again, that's shot #4.
Didn't change scope settings for the rest of the test. Paralex on that old weaver 4x is about 6" worth @ 100. I was a little ways into the test before I discovered a way to eliminate it. Can't remember where it was. I was using only the center part of the scope to minimize paralex and there is no way that is the cause of the POI jumps at lower velocities.
Just for grins I seated the bullets just off the riflings. Figger's I milk a little more case capacity out of it. Dumb, dumb idea Lack of powder room is not a problem with the 375 (expecially for a 9 1/2 LB bench gun
I think I see a node with shots 11 thru 14 but the velocity is too low for my liking (may as well be shooting an 06 w/220s )
If shot #20 wasn't a fluke and possibly indicated the rifle was moving to another node I was pretty much committed to raise the ladder, so to speak (sick humor).
By the way, had to switch shoulders at shot #17 maybe that's why it dropped so low??? If the first shot from the shoulder shift was a problem, shots 16 thru 19 might look like something. But still too slow (the elphalants in SE ID are bad dudes, not to mention the buffs and ya need all you can get when one of those thick skinned pot-guts runs up your leg).
Note the the last four shots on the data plot. They show reasonable increases with an increase of powder. ALso note the drop in velocity with the second 77gr shot. That is caused by seating the bullet deeper, just to the bottom edge of the crimping ring, for teh last 4 shots..
Also note that W760 seems to increase velocity in spurts. It gets pretty flat then jumps. Maybe its the air space with that longer seat I was using.
The last 4 shots are a pretty decent group for using 4 different powder weights. I'll work around a couple of those and that should use up that box of 50 except about 5 which will last me a lifetime at the rate I'm able to find elk