LA vs Medium for saum

🤣🤣🤣🤣. I with ya. I change my mind daily! I build sell, think I got what I want, I better try something different. Need a 30 cal to kill elk I told myself but just don't want a 30 cal. I want a 6.5 saum. So now anyone want to trade a LA for a Medium? Lol. I hate selling stuff then buying the same thing I just had but a little shorter
Probably a better conversation to have with your wife,,..." Honey....does 3/4 of an inch....really make a difference?" Let her decide for you!
My 6.5 SAUM is built on an Impact Precision short action and it works well with 156 Bergers. With the reamer GAP used for the build, a medium action wouldn't have benefited me with a longer COAL anyway as I can load to the throat with the short action length I have.

You could always split the difference and use your existing action on a 7 PRC build. I really like my 6.5 SAUM but it wouldn't be my first choice for elk hunting. I'm not saying the SAUM wouldn't work, it just wouldn't be my pick. (I confess to recently buying a 7 PRC to fill the "gap" between my 6.5.SAUM and 300 WMs in the gun safe. )

If you're going the 6.5 SAUM route, might want to keep an eye out for ADG brass. I see Scheels and a few places have some in stock but it isn't always available.
I'm having the same problem . My buddy tells me just run the 140 gr bergers but I have the idea bigger is better !
I just can stop thinking of all my Rums and the heavys! Lol
I need to get the bolt face opend to the magnum.on the short and put it together, I have everything else ready to go together!
The short action has been setting for a year plus ! Lol

Rum Man
I'm the exact same way. Thought I need a 30 cal and big heavies but I have seen 4 elk this year die very fast from a 6.5 prc with 156 and 6 CM. Those shots were between 350-400. I'm going to use this 6.5 saum and 156 for deer elk bear in the mountains
Weight difference is minimal. If you run the bolt correctly, there is no difference. If you go with a medium action, your stock choices will be limited also. I run a 25 saum and a 7 saum on long actions without issue.
Good luck with your project!
Well if you're running a 25 saum on a LA then I guess I will be fine. I will do a Hawkins dbm or the unknown munitions mag


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