Kettle bell routine


Active Member
Jan 11, 2021
My go-to Covid workout has been doing a lot of Kettle Bell swinging in conjunction with some dumb bell lifting and the TRX system. I do a lot of basic swings, turkish get-ups, some snatches and presses, but keep my reps relatively low in order to prevent my elbow tendons from getting too sore. I put a lot of emphasis on squats too--every day is leg day!--but wouldn't mind mixing up my exercises. Would love to get some other suggestions on KB movements if you've got 'em
What's a Turkish get up? You can also bend at the waist and "draw" your KB like a bow. Also pushups with your hand on one KB (laying on its side) let's you go deeper on side at a time.
Cross body swings works your abs/obliques more( think axe swing at an angle). A TGU is laying on your back holding the kettlebell out in front of you in one hand extended up towards the ceiling. Now keep said kettlebell in this position up toward the ceiling, now roll on your side and stand up Using your off hand to help and balance. When you are standing the bell will be raised above you head. Now reverse back down. Great body stabilizing exercise.
If you have heavy enough or heavier bells farmer walks are great! I walk across my basement quite often with a 44-100 lb kettlebell in each hand. Also with lighter ones lunges are good. Do lunge walks without weight and in-place lunges use your weights.
In between snatches/swings place your bell (or safer a towel). And jump side to side over it for 10-20 reps.
I highly recommend doing some controlled band work for your shoulders as well, so yours don't end up like mine😉. Have to keep those small intrinsic muscle holding things together.
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What's a Turkish get up? You can also bend at the waist and "draw" your KB like a bow. Also pushups with your hand on one KB (laying on its side) let's you go deeper on side at a time.
The TGU is a great all-body exercise that you can do with or without weights. It's best to google it, but as another member said you basically start on your back and go through a series of motions to stand up. Sounds easy. In theory is easy. In practice it will kick your ***.
My go-to Covid workout has been doing a lot of Kettle Bell swinging in conjunction with some dumb bell lifting and the TRX system. I do a lot of basic swings, turkish get-ups, some snatches and presses, but keep my reps relatively low in order to prevent my elbow tendons from getting too sore. I put a lot of emphasis on squats too--every day is leg day!--but wouldn't mind mixing up my exercises. Would love to get some other suggestions on KB movements if you've got 'em
What's the line from Miracle, "The legs feed the wolf"? You could also do single leg Romanian deadlifts (RDL's) with the kettle bell, that'll crush your glutes and hamstrings.
Holding them im the same position as a swing but doing jumps are a good one, also doing a goblet good morning work the backside and for your elbows look up a movement called "JM" press.
I did overhead triceps extensions with kettlebell this morning holding the bell part and they kicked my butt.
If you don't have any dumbbells or can't get any in your local store, try some cinder blocks from your local hardware store. D block prison workout and blocks come in different sizes too and only cost a couple of bucks apiece.

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