KAHLES booth at SHOT 2015

One week to go for SHOT. We are already getting product release information ready for distribution immediately after SHOT. We hope to meet lots of the fine folks from LRH at the big show this year.

Kahles would like to express our gratitude for everybody that stopped by our booth at SHOT Show. We had a wonderful meeting with Len and Andy Backus, who we were anxious to show our new MOA version of the K624i to.

The show was a huge success with lots of interest in the new SKMR and SKMR2 reticles (mils based reticles), the MOA K624i (MOAK reticle and 1/4 MOA turrets with 88 MOA total available internal travel) and the new K312i with left side windage and top mounted parallax.

I am not typically a "talker" but usually a quiet person. I ended up talking basically non-stop for four days and my voice managed to make it through the show somehow. Unfortunately I didn't get many pictures to share but here is one of the MOA version turrets.



  • MOA Turrets.jpg
    MOA Turrets.jpg
    81 KB · Views: 83
Kahles of Austria produces great scopes, and they are always worth looking at. I've had three of them and can strongly recommend them, just brilliant. Together with Zeiss' my all - time favourites.
Great scopes. Best bang for the buck out there right now IMO. Looking forward to the SKMR2 624i scopes hitting the market. I have a 300WM patiently waiting - the owner, not so much!
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