Justice served!

I think we can all agree that it was dumb he was out there. I would have failed as a parent if I knew my boys were out there. The first rule of self defense is stay away from stupid people, at stupid times, at stupid places.

BUT, he was allowed (by law/rights) out there just as much as the rioters, and it's not his fault people attacked him. Luckily, the law isn't based on hindsight. It's based on the events that happened.

I would say his training is pretty good. 8 shots fired, 4 of which were fired in under a second, only 1 round unaccounted for when fired. All three targets were hit. Threats eliminated.
So a 17 year old mind is different than an 18 or 19 year old. Is there an age limit to defending your family or neighbors property?
Yes, in the eyes of common laws in this country, 17 is different than 18 where I've lived. And 16 is different than 17 for some purposes.

But I know no age limit to smart, or the opposite.
We can send 17 year olds in the military.
I know 25-30 yearold people who act like there 12.
Because you have a 18th birthday makes you think like a responsible adult. I think we'll all know that doesn't happen all the time.
Again Kyle Rittenhouse did not break any laws whether he was 17 or 18
We can send 17 year olds in the military.
I know 25-30 yearold people who act like there 12.
Because you have a 18th birthday makes you think like a responsible adult. I think we'll all know that doesn't happen all the time.
Again Kyle Rittenhouse did not break any laws whether he was 17 or 18

Yeah, I agree age isn't the issue. If my boys were 40 I still wouldn't want them there.
Yeah, I agree age isn't the issue. If my boys were 40 I still wouldn't want them there.
I know age shouldn't even be brought up, but some people want to call him a ' *******" or irresponsible just because of his age.
I dont think any parent " wants " to have the kids in a situation like that, the same way any parent wants to have there kids deployed overseas.
My Marine sniper nephew said to me when he completed his second tour that really hit home " somebodys gotta do it might as well have been me"
I think that any city/state that allows individuals to open carry anytime, especially during a protest is about the stupidest thing any politician has ever thought of. If you feel the need to carry a firearm in public, you should have to get a conceal carry permit. You should have to prove competence with your weapon as well as your knowledge of the law. The fact that it was legal for him to do that is insane. It would have been just as legal for BLM and ANTIFA to carry ar15's as it was for Rittenhouse. How long before they figure this out? Everyone can carry and everyone has the right to defend themselves. Nothing could go wrong, right? Someone throws a firecracker and all hell breaks loose. Who are the cops going to arrest? No one broke the law. I think some people want this but I really don't think they have thought it through.
I guess you just stand by and watch the true criminals burn and loot your property.
The most insane stupid thing I heard of was the Law enforcement wasn't stopping them
Based on the law, thats pretty much what you have to do. You can't legally shoot looters to protect your property. I imagine they teach that in conceal carry class.

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