Join Len on his 2011 WY long range deer hunt

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
Join me on my WY deer hunt this fall. My friends at Mule Creek Outfitting have a few more spots available.

That horizontal band of trees in the middle of the picture is where our camp will be based next September for my dream mule deer rifle hunt. It's at 9,000 feet in the Bridger-Teton National Forest of southwest Wyoming with an emphasis on long range opportunities.


The hunt method is to move by horses from one bowl to another, spending plenty of time at each one with careful glassing.


I have become friends with the outfitters after meeting them at two deer expos in Wisconsin last winter. John and Jacob were in the booth next to my LRH booth and we spent a gazillion hours talking hunting and enjoying good Mexican restaurants. They have many years of experience successfully hunting the western states with horses.

Mule Creek Outfitting - Wyoming Deer, Elk, Antelope Hunts

They had a very successful 2010 season and filled all of their tags for archery elk hunting, rifle elk hunting, rifle pronghorn antelope hunt and black bear. Their mule deer hunting was outstanding and they had 100% shooting opportunity. 87% of hunters were successful in taking home a mule deer buck, with 2 animals over 180.

Here are a couple of their clients' 2010 deer.



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I have hunted that country for thirty years and plan on being there next year. I may see you there.

I just checked his website and read about the bears. I can concur with what he says on the site. I have hunted just SE of there for near thirty years and have never seen a grizzly until this year. While archery hunting elk I saw a large boar grizzly walking along a ridge a quarter mile away. Seen black bears on occasion through the years but the first grizz in that country.

How much is the hunt you speak of? I am getting to old to backpack that country and a horse looks better every year.
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That looks like some great country Len. Good luck too you! I think I'm going to change areas this year and instead of hunting the southern Big Horns I'll go way up near the Montana border and take a look at some of that country where I haven't left any boot prints yet, LOL!

What unit and which season are you going on? How many pref points to draw? A buddy and I have been looking at an outfitter north of there in the Gros Ventre range south of Jackson for a couple of years. We might just go with you instead. He has two pref points, I think I have one, but it might be two will have to check.


I'll check further but John said usually 1 point is successful in the draw. That's what I have.

I forgot for the moment which unit it is but I'll ask John.
Len, I will check with my buddy tomorrow and send you a PM if he is interested. We are planning to go somewhere out there. Sure looks like a good place, and it is nice when the outfitter is already accustomed to having clients into long range shooting.

It would also be interesting to meet you and share some campfire time....:)
It is a region wide tag for nonresidents and not for a specific unit. Last time I checked that area for nonresidents i think 1 point would draw it. It is a general tag for residents. I have hunted that country for many years and can vouch for the fact it is good deer country and trophy deer country.
Thanks for your input LTLR. I used to have a summer house out near Pinedale which is not too far away so I am a little familiar with the area, but have not hunted right around where the camp is. I love to horseback hunt and that is really pretty country, so I am going to try to get it set up to go. Come on and join us, the more long range shooters the better!
Thanks, I am sure it will be a fun hunt. It is beautiful game rich country. My backpack gets heavier and the mountains get steeper every year so maybe it's time for me to try hunting on horseback. I backpacked a good bit years ago north of Pinedale around Green River Lakes. That is also pretty country.

We are looking forward to having you in camp this year.

Our deer hunts require a Region H deer tag. This tag is issued by drawing only and requires one preference point to draw as of last drawing. You can draw this tag with zero points if you pay a little extra for the special tag. The only thing "special" about this tag is that it costs about 200.00 more than the regular tag and less people put in for the drawing so the odds are much better at getting drawn. Elk hunts require a general tag and General Elk tags also take one preference point to draw in the regular draw and zero points in the special draw.

Our mule deer and elk hunts are $3600. We pack you in the day before your hunt and hunts are 5 days of hunting. You need to bring your clothes, sleeping bag, tags and weapon, we provide everything else. We also have pronghorn antelope hunts, moose, black bear and combo hunts with deer/ antelope or deer/elk.

Mule Deer season opens Sept 15 and runs through Oct. 7 We have 3 different elk units on our permit and have a couple of different opening dates. Rifle elk opens Sept. 26 in the Hoback and Oct. 15 in our other unit. Bulls are still bugling in the peak of the rut for the early elk season. Archery elk season runs the entire month of September. We may have deer, rifle or archery elk hunts in camp at the same time. We only have capacity for 6 2x1 guided hunters at a time. The mule deer tend to like the high country early in the season and the elk concentrate around the burn areas and lower meadowsat night and hold up in the dark timber during the day so we focus our hunts on different areas depending on what we are hunting. We can see elk any day where we are deer hunting and deer where we are elk hunting but we don't neccessarily hunt in the same areas.

Most of our hunters will take shots of 200-250 yards. Last year one elk hunter filled his tag at 150 yards, one deer hunter shot over 400 yards and I killed my elk at 39 yards(longbow archery) We will try to get you as close as you need to get to make a shot. Pronghorn antelope hunts will have more long range shot opportunities.

This is Len

John asked me to clarify something. Above he is talking about the typical shooting distances of the average Joe Blow hunter that he takes on a hunt. There are many deer spotted that could have been taken by a proficient long range hunter, but that the Joe Blow hunter was not able to get close enough to.
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If anyone is looking for a Wyoming mule deer and antelope hunt. We would like to invite to look at ----xxxx Outfitters in Northeast Wyoming.
Fonzy, this is Len. I'd be glad to email you advertising info. And please read the rules.
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