Re: It\'s Here! It\'s Here! It\'s Here!
To say, I really like them is an understatement.
My last chronoing (only 4-shots) was 2704, 2706, 2706, and 2712.
I have been fudging around with the seating depth (even in Nebraska). 76.0 grains of Retumbo is where I did all the shooting at.
I rezeroed @ 200 after I seated out another 5 thousands.
Orginally, I had guessed 2675 MV since I had gone to the Fed mag match primer and was seating further out than your first test loads. I had also put the BC @ .850.
In actuality I was running right @ 2700.
When I can chrono from my Oehler and intentionally be more accurate on my drops (I guess you could say I was having more fun) I will be more accurate.
For now I have BC @ .830 with a 2706 MV.
On the multiple BC feature .83 for 2700 fps and .74 for 2300 fps and .75 for 0 fps
By fiddling with these I was able to make my actual drops come out right. Or I fiddled with these figures until it matched my drops.
Since I didn't have a sharp pencil with me (wasn't my goal @ the time).
I'm pretty sure @ the MV's I'm pushing the BC will be in the .8's where I live. Most likley between .8 & .85
Have I confused everyone yet?
On the group with all 4-shooters throwing bullets down range I did run 2 clicks If I remember right.
In retrospect I should have kept better numbers, but I was just having to much fun /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif