Italian Sausage Venison Green Chile Soup


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2008
Great Falls, MT
Main ingredients ...


Saute' meats with garlic and onion; season salt and pepper to taste.


Mix meat with 2 cans of diced tomatoes and green chiles, 2 cans of hominy (thoroughly rinse first), and 2 packs of Hatch green chiles in crock pot; add desired water or soup stock.

Set to high until it boils (maybe 2-3 hours) adjust seasoning to taste. Add chopped cilantro in the last 30 minutes of cooking (or top if fresh on the soup).


Top with Mexican 4 cheese and eat with flour tortilla. Enjoy!

I brought this to work today for an office surprise lunch and it was a hit. :D
Holy Cow, I love to cook & that looks GREAT! I was single for 16 years before I met my little wife & I can out cook about all women. My wife is also a great cook & our favorite thing is to find a new recipe for Saturday nights. We get a movie to go along with dinner & have great evening.
Thanks, Kirk
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