Issue with TC 250gr Shockwaves expansion

Bringing this one back with an update this season.

Yesterday was opening day of Muzzleloader in TN. Harvested a doe and and small cull Buck, both at 22 yards. The Barnes TSX did the job. No blood trial but it wasn't needed. Doe went 3-4 yards, no exit wound. Done in less than a minute.

Buck dropped in his tracks, however even with both shoulders destroyed and the front of his lungs gone he needed a follow-up. It was taking way longer than I thought it should for him to exsanguinate so I put one at the base of his neck. No exit wounds on either shot in him.

I recovered both bullets from the buck. Does was lost in the field dressing. Both weighed exactly 247.1gr. Overall, I am happly with the TSX. I would have liked an exit wound, but the TSX performed as advertised.


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Go with the TMZ spitfire with the Barnes. You will love it. Expansion is great and it holds together when hitting bone. You get great expansion in the lungs also. I have tried all of them and the TMZ is the best. They also have a EZ model for tighter bores that works great if you need to overcome that tight bore.

I would try Blackhorn 209 powder instead of the Pyrodex. It is much cleaner, faster and no crud rings. You can shoot multiple shots without cleaning.
I stand corrected. The bullets I used are Barnes Spitfire T-EZ. Guess that explains how I am on shot #10 without cleaning anything except the flashhole and it's easy to load and just about MOA accurate at 100 yards.

Does the blackhorn come I pellets?
Took a young 9pt Saturday with the same load. Dropped in his tracks at 50 yards. Strait down with just a leg twitch. Broke the near shoulder and ended up just under the skin on the far side. Looked like a tumor and when I touched it I could feel the pedals of the bullet. These Barnes are FAR superior to the Shockwaves, no question.

Haven't tried powder yet. I may work up a load for next season, but for the ranges I have available, 100gr of pyrodex is working great.
I have a buddy who raves about the 250 shockwave so I switched to them about 5 years ago. They are very accurate but of the only 4 deer I've shot with them I am not impressed at all. First deer I shot was a 10 point at 40 yards. Great blood at impac spot, then not a drop. I basically just went walking looking for it and found it about 150 yards away. Shot was a double lung pass through. Lungs appeared to be pretty tore up.

Second deer was a doe at 30 yards. Broad side shot with no exit. Deer went 20 yards and bedded down but did not die. No blood trail. We dispatched it by other means

Deer 3 a doe went straight down with a very high shoulder shot near the spine at 100 yards. Died right quick.

Deer 4 an 8 point was a double lung pass through at 17 yards. A few drops of blood and lots of hair at Impact spot. The blood trail you could follow but just barely. Small drops every 10 ' or so. Deer went 200 yards.

On all of the deer the bullet seems to not be expanding well. These were with 100 grains EXCEPT for the 3rd doe. Which was 120 grains as was also the fastest kill and most damage.

I'm going to try some Barnes this summer.
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