ISO: T/C Hawken “Cougar”

Those are pretty cool.

I would have to shoot them.

Have you got to hunt with the double?

Sadly, I have not fired any of those Black Powder rifles....Since 1994 I have had a traveling job where I am home only Saturday and Sunday. During the week I rarely drive by a gun shop, if it is a local shop I usually pull in to look for anything unusual. I guess what I am saying is I have plenty of time to buy very little time to shoot and enjoying
I couldn't find the "pm" option, or I definitely would have sent you one.
I am very interested in your rifle,if you would send photos and a price please.
Ok, that explains a lot.
I knew there had to be something I was missing.
I looked through the "newbie" how to, but some features on it was missing on the page.
Thanks for the info. Still interested in your t/c cougar.
May have to send up smoke signals?
Ok, that explains a lot.
I knew there had to be something I was missing.
I looked through the "newbie" how to, but some features on it was missing on the page.
Thanks for the info. Still interested in your t/c cougar.
May have to send up smoke signals?
Blow the smoke to NWOhio
Well, don't know how long I'll be in purgatory, couldn't find any info in regards, I'll wait...
Blow the smoke to NWOhio
I'll give it a couple more days before I move on.
This site sure does have a lot of political pop ups...for a site that doesn't want political discussions.
And what's up with all the big boob pop ups???
All I want to do is buy a rifle.
Really not a big deal. Much better than some other forums I am a member of.....there is one that sends a nasty message telling of an infraction you committed
People here behave like adults... a very good thing
Just search the categories that you have interest in other than classifieds and participate!
I'm outta here.
If you want to sell your t/c cougar, I'd like to have it.
But I don't conduct myself in the manner in which is promoted on this site...but I'm cool, it's not my site..
<[email protected]>
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