To see more tests pass you need to go to Robert McCoy's math.
You may know that Sg goes way up as a bullet travels down range. This, even while the bullet's RPMs slow a little.
Sg goes up here because the bullet slows in velocity way more than revolutions slow, meaning there is less & less displacement per turn (tighter effective twist rate), supporting what I told you earlier.
Your RPM test failed here, as Sg goes up while RPMs slowed slightly.
2800fps was chosen because it is a linear place in drag curves, and a chosen average of velocities through normal shooting distances. It is also a useful velocity to assign an average BC (as Berger does). But BC can be adjusted with meplat pointing, regardless of velocity.
At any rate, 2800fps has nothing to do with RPMs, or this would simply be a part of the rules of thumb,, and barrel ordering. Right? That's easier.
But if we tried to pick barrels based on RPMs, we would often fail to reach the correct twist rate.
I could lay out examples of this, but you can run the numbers yourself to see it.
Watch how big velocity (or RPMs if you wish) has to be adjusted to bail you from unstable through marginally stable, to fully stable. And then consider the idea that it never was about RPMs.
I'm just tryin to help. It's a bad idea to propagate notions of RPMs bailing people out of wrong barrel or bullet choices. When it doesn't.
I appreciate what you're saying
@Mikecr - and likewise, am just trying to help.
I think you're reading me wrong bro', I'll give it one more try here (for those who aren't confused enough)!
Read my post carefully, nowhere did I advise increasing muzzle velocity... in my example, muzzle velocity remains constant.
I asserted 2 ways of increasing SG for a GIVEN SET OF CONDIONS.
1. Increase RPM's
2. Decrease Air density
You are making a scarecrow out of me, because at MV: 2650fps the only way to increase the rate at which the bullet spins (RPM) is to increase RATE OF TWIST in the barrel.
We could talk about time. I love talking about time.
We have rotations per time (RPM)
And we have distance per time (velocity)
Combining these terms into displacement (rotations per distance) is cool. Not only do we remove time from the equation, but we get the reciprocal of the TWIST RATE in our barrel (distance per rotation). So next you'll be saying 'velocity has nothing to do with SG'? No argument here. It's a true statement when time gets erased from the equation. It all comes back to RATE OF TWIST.
Yay, we can both do alphabet math. I get all that, but for me this is neither the time, nor the venue for such a discussion. It will only serve to obfuscate the point and alienate ourselves from everyone else in this thread.
Let's get back to the real world, where BC and SG are dynamic quantities, where we are sending bullets into the future, and where we agree on terms to further understanding.
Thank you for suggesting McCoy, I will most certainly look into his work.
I encourage everyone interested in this subject to experiment with berger's stability calculator. If you hunt in the snow, be sure to use a realistic temperature (0deg F? Colder?).
While we can't seem to agree on whether bullets can be too stable, we certainly agree on the fact that inadequate stability is a real problem, especially with high BC and monolithic projectiles.