is the heat off yet?


Jun 6, 2012
hey everyone its been awhile since ive been on here, i bought a new 1911 a little over a month ago and ive been cruising 1911 forums, but, i just noticed the political section of the forum has cooled off quite a bit and i was wondering if the recent white house scandals that are all over the news have taken the heat off the gun legislation for the time being? i havent heard much as of late on any news that ive watched lately. whats the deal?
No it has not, I think we're all just a bit in need of a break. Obummer is still trying to issue exec orders, and turn it over to U.N. control.

even if he does sign the u.n treaty i highly doubt that congress would ratify it. with all the hot water the obama admin. is getting into im really hoping that his 2nd term just turns out to be a lame duck and nothing more
I think the grabber's attempts to capitalize on tragedy and advance their agenda was beaten back pretty soundly at the Federal level. Unfortunately, there are a few states where some majorly restrictive legislation cruised right through. We all need to be vigilant, as these state losses set a bad precedent, and I fully expect "back door" anti-gun schemes will continue as long as Barry Hopebama is in charge.
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