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Is it just me????

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The hell with the poor spelling and 1st grade grammar, I'm sick of the Circuit City ad covering up half of every subject, everytime. A once great site turned into a thriving internet ad business.
No flames from me but I will say that I know a LOT of people that have trouble spelling, have trouble using a computer etc. etc. but they can flat out shoot and hunt circles around me, and probably most on this site.

I never condemn someone for their dress, demeanor, intelligence, knowledge or their use of the English language as long as they keep it clean.

I find it very interesting that you would state that simply because someone spells wrong or uses improper grammar that you would condemn them and not even give them the courtesy of reading their posts.

I do find it less than mentally stimulating personally when someone decides to appoint themselves as so far above others that they would belittle, degrade and or put down, those that may not be quite as technically proficient as some.

It's just my personal opinion but I be ashamed or myself if I put people down without knowing all of the facts. We're all in the same boat around here and like it or not, we are equals on this site until the day we get nuked.

If you don't like some posts then simply don't read them but don't come down on others for something they may not be able to help. Yeah I know, some people do irritating things and it may or may not meet with your, or my, standards of conduct but that doesn't make them any less of a contributor or member of this site.

Take a chill pill because if simple spelling mistakes torque you that much I'd hate to see what something serious does to your day.:)

"i am truly concerned for you guys in ID.....you should seek help."

"i know this is sold but was just curious about what would have to be done to it to make it fit a savage action and what would it cost. i assume it would have to be re-chambered and then re-threaded? AJ"

"thankx GG, but i arleady have a 300 rum.....looking for something in .338...AJ"

"just my 2 cents worth......the accuracy you are getting is prob better than average with a stock sendero. i have one in 7RM and had a hard time getting it to shoot good groups. My suggestion would be to give it a good bedding job on the action and recoil lug. Mine would not shoot without a good bit of forearm tip pressure until i bedded the action and lug. now it shoots great with the barrel floated. AJ"

It's you! Did they change your medication Mr Spell Marshall or did you just stop taking them?

When I use firefox I do get the red underline and spelling alternatives....but usually ignore them. I am not going to let some stupid machine tell me how to spell:) I am completely on my own with IE
OK guys, I'm down off my soap box, the prozac kicked in and I am back on kilter. Sorry if I hurt anyones tender feeling but judging from the replies I got, it seemed to have helped. I didn't see a single phrase like " I done seen" , or "I done did" or "dem bullistcks ur awsoom" . AJ
whell, evin if the IQ has dropped of, its stil kindu fun to read some of doze threds. LOL!
I agree w/ Dogdinger to a point. Perhaps not so finite. I think that society in general has slipped on the importance of proper grammar and spelling. It is more difficult to take one seriously when they can not come close to proper spelling and sentence structure.

It's kind of like "Ebonics", I'm fairly sure that we do not want our children taught in this, because we know that it is not a recipe for success.

I think that part of it is the age of computers. I notice that my kids going through school don't seem to have near the importance placed on legible hand writing and spelling that I did when I was a kid. They are taught that participation is good enough. They should be taught to participate accurately.


PS. I can not spell well at all, I use the spell check that is at the top of the page in my tool bar.:)

When you guys are tiping a new reply into this white box, does not the word "tiping" come up underlined...as a spelling mistake?

That does not work for the title of the thread, however.
Using Firefox any spelling mistakes are underlined and you are allowed to correct them when typing in your post.

Don't know about IE as I only use it when I absolutely have to because of a websites programming problems.
Re: Spell Checker in Tool Bar?


How'd you change your toolbar to bring spell check to life?

I clicked on "settings" on the toolbar, then clicked "options", then I changed which buttons were on the toolbar. It added a new line of stuff to the top of the screen but the spellcheck was one of the things in the added line.
Tiping. Nope. Sorry. Nuthin'. No spell checker in my toolbox.

Dogdinger, your point is valid even if it offends everyone. Goodgrouper had a better point. The dwindling IQ is due to the dramatic increase in traffic. Good for Len. Not so good for the content of this site. Used to be a lot of fascinating conversation. Slipped a bit...

Dick has a good point too. Some real geniuses (spell check that) don't spell worth a hoot. Personally, I've noticed Kirby doesn't spell well. I read every word he takes the trouble to type, mispelled or not!

GG, on the other hand, spells superbly. Yet, he isn't worth reading!
Tiping. Nope. Sorry. Nuthin'. No spell checker in my toolbox.

Dogdinger, your point is valid even if it offends everyone. Goodgrouper had a better point. The dwindling IQ is due to the dramatic increase in traffic. Good for Len. Not so good for the content of this site. Used to be a lot of fascinating conversation. Slipped a bit...

Dick has a good point too. Some real geniuses (spell check that) don't spell worth a hoot. Personally, I've noticed Kirby doesn't spell well. I read every word he takes the trouble to type, mispelled or not!

GG, on the other hand, spells superbly. Yet, he isn't worth reading!

Grit, are you feeling well?
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