Is a hotdog a sandwich? Seriously!

I came across a pickup yesterday that had a sticker in the back window saying, "hotdogs are sandwiches". At first I thought it was a political statement like "women are people" or something like that, but then I got to thinking about how I define a sandwich and it just blew up in my mind. For if you tend not to think of it as a sandwich because it has a hinged bun, you have a sub sandwich that does too.

So what do you this? What defines a sandwich?
Ok, lol now that you started this: which brand is the BEST??


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Leave it to the Government:

A-A-20341, COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTION (CID): FRANKFURTERS (HOT DOGS), FULLY COOKED, FROZEN (20-MAR-2002)., This Commercial Item Description (CID) covers frozen, fully cooked frankfurters (hot dogs) packed in commercially acceptable containers, suitable for use by Federal, State, local governments, and other interested parties.
Nope - that's not a sandwich, it's an "open sandwich".
BTW - A hero, hoagie or sub is not a sandwich either. :D
What coast do you live on? My first job in the food industry was in 1963 working for Howard Johnson's (HoJo) at the take out counter on the NJ Turnpike just north of Exit 8. They had a selection of open-faced sandwiches like the previously mentioned Patty Melt and included others like the Open-faced Turkey sandwich with gravy and fries. That was how it was spelt on the may have experienced otherwise.....:) :) lol
Everything but the squeal.
I think in the bar-s brand, they actually include the squeal. They figure its another 5 percent they can use and they just cover its off taste by adding sodium nitrate.
So what about an "open-faced sandwich"? Tuna melt sandwich?
This is a funny thread.....:p
I have to side on the "these are sandwiches too" side here. It is a lower subset along with the 'grilled cheese sandwich ' and pig-in-blanket.
Leave it to the Government:

A-A-20341, COMMERCIAL ITEM DESCRIPTION (CID): FRANKFURTERS (HOT DOGS), FULLY COOKED, FROZEN (20-MAR-2002)., This Commercial Item Description (CID) covers frozen, fully cooked frankfurters (hot dogs) packed in commercially acceptable containers, suitable for use by Federal, State, local governments, and other interested parties.
I want to draw your attention to the term 'frankfurter' above. 5his is a prime example of the deep state margionalizing the hotdog using a micro-aggression. The hot dog has discriminated against since its early inception. It was big meat that began this campaign of criticism knowing that they would lose money from people buying hotdogs instead of the more expensive cuts. Its a shame.
You can also tell that it was the 'wig' party that started calling open faced sandwiches, sandwiches. Its like calling an illegal alien a migrant. Its a partial, not completely honest, naming scheme as an attempt to make something wrong, acceptable. Don't think for a minute that this debate includes tacos by coincidence....
And is a Kosher hot dog really a hot dog?
Going to have to ask a jew this one to be sure, but if its kosher it probably can't have pork in it and the old dietary law probably didn't include lips and rectums... so I'm guessing even if a rabbi prayed over the dogs, it probably wouldn't be good enough for the most serious of fundamentalists. This also makes me wonder if the real reason why they crucified Jesus was because he tried to be inclusive of the hotdog. You know the old 'he that is without sin among you, let him throw the first stone' thing? I'm guessing from reading DaVinci that Mary Magdalene is actually code for 'hotdog'