Intel on the Allen Mags


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2008
I recently had my 300 wby stolen and am now trying to replace it. I have a Winchester M70 in 7mm RM sitting around that I need to rebarrel anyway so I am going to use this as the foundation for a rifle to replace the 300. What I need is some intel on the allen mags to see what I can fit in this thing.

The biggest thing I need to know is what AM fit a standard magnum bolt face. However some additional details would be great also. Such as where my smith could pick-up a reamer for a AM and what it takes to form the brass for an AM. Right now I am looking to do somthing in either 7mm or 30 cal (However I'm open to suggestion). I already have a 338 and don't have a need for anything larger.
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