Important Information for Kestrel Users Regarding Windows


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2014
Important information for Kestrel 4500 Applied Ballistic Users. If you are running Windows 7 - 10, and you have any pending updates for Windows. It can interfere with your ability to upload/download profiles or firmware updates to the Kestrel device. This is due to changes that Windows has made, Windows will block the com ports from talking to the Kestrel device until you have completed all the updates. This is more apparent when its an important update, update to windows defender, and updates to hardware. If you are having issues getting your profile loader to connect, then try making sure you have all of your Windows updates downloaded, installed, and your system restarted.

If you try to connect to your Kestrel, and it fails. And you have double checked the com ports and found them to all be correct. Check to see if you have any pending Windows Updates, and if you do, install them and try again. At the same time you can also do a hard reset on the Kestrel device. To do this:
1. Open the Battery Door.
2. Hold the power button for 5 seconds.
3. Close the Battery Door, and allow the Kestrel device to restart. This will take longer than normal.
4. Go to Bluetooth Settings, make sure it is set to on. Flip it from Hi to Low to Hi again.
5. Calibrate the compass.
6. Attempt to the profile upload or firmware update again.
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