Well-Known Member
Edited by Len: Bad language is not appreciated here.
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Apparently the only "bad" things allowed are grammar and spelling.Edited by Len: Bad language is not appreciated here.
Just like this place to censor my words. Everyone is all about the freedom of speech so long as it's saying something that resembles a soundbite from a skinhead rally. Contradict the board overlords and they will run crying to the moderators about how "kids read here". I can think of plenty of threads that use stronger language than what I wrote, many where the "$" replaces the "S" in a pretty popular four letter word. I'm sorry that I have taken for granted that everyone here is a reasonable adult.
"Skinhead rally"....really. If I remember right it is the Rev. Wright and Al Sharpton that brought race into this. Glad to see that after Jesse Jackson said he would cut Obama's you know what off. He Found it in his heart to come to the acceptance speech. My question is that did he cry because he hasnt got to snip him yet? If you cant deal with the opinions of some on here fine, but dont insult the forum.