Idaho Goat (Taken 9/25/13 at Sunrise)

I miss pronghorn hunting! Great buck! Will you please share your rifle details and load details? I have a 6.5-284 I'm taking to SC for deer this year.

24" Bartlein bbl gain twist
Stiller Predator action
Jewel trigger 1 pound
McMillan stock
Leica scope

Plan on 140 Berger VLDs. I tried Retumbo, H4831SC, and H1000 but velocity was forgettable. I'm going to try 4350 and VV N160 and 165. I have both Lapua and Norma brass and lots of it. I built this one for a light carry rifle but may end up putting a 26 or 27" tube on it in a #4 contour eventually.

I miss pronghorn hunting! Great buck! Will you please share your rifle details and load details? I have a 6.5-284 I'm taking to SC for deer this year.

24" Bartlein bbl gain twist
Stiller Predator action
Jewel trigger 1 pound
McMillan stock
Leica scope

Plan on 140 Berger VLDs. I tried Retumbo, H4831SC, and H1000 but velocity was forgettable. I'm going to try 4350 and VV N160 and 165. I have both Lapua and Norma brass and lots of it. I built this one for a light carry rifle but may end up putting a 26 or 27" tube on it in a #4 contour eventually.


for gun details, please check my posting @

I have only tried H4350 and H4831SC

I settled on 49.5 Gr. of 4831SC, Lapua Brass, CCIBR2, seated .010" off the lands with 140 Gr Berger VLD... The velocity averages right around 2800fps cold barrel

After the above posting I added an HS Precision Detachable Magazine bottom metal

If I do my part, the gun can easily put 5 shots inside 1/2 MOA

I may try RL17 at some point but since I am scope clicking anyway and I still carry 860 ft-lbs of energy at 1000 yards, I will probably stick with the 4831SC @ 49.5gr
The antelope is done.

It turned out really nice...


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