I will repeat my story about a simple letter with check taking 6 days to travel a few miles in Montana. It seems we've had several of these Rosanne Rosanna Dana moments; the guy bashing on Bergara for weeks on end and it turned out to be the scope, a guy bashing on a scope and it turned out to be the rings. I realize everyone is on edge; I also realize a tracking number may have fixed all of this. Maybe though, Scott, about whom I know nothing, did have an actual health issue, or a loved one was in trouble. In these trying times, when we know shipping, both USPS and UPS (notice how your 2 day Amazon deliveries now take a week sometimes?) is slow, perhaps be a little slower to, and I hate to use the pun, go postal. Don't mean to bash the OP as we all get worried if we think we lost money, but given the times maybe just give things a little more time.