Had an uncle that use to take me duck hunting every fall. He would shoot anything that flew. Coots were especially on his menu list. Dad always said that anyone that would shoot Coots apurpose could not be too bright. We would set out in my uncles homemade wooden boat with a canvas top on it with these zippered holes in the canvas and a layer of woven reeds covering the canvas and shoot coots all day long and about noon he would always get out the little Coleman stove and cook up a couple jars of his awesome homemade chili that would just about take the hide off your tongue from the chili peppers in it. One day I made mention of dad's comment on Coots not being any good to eat and how dad didn't think it was the smartest thing in the world to do. My uncles comment was How long you been hunting ducks with me boy? I answered about 5 years. How long you been eating my special chili? I said about the same amount of time. His last comment was "What kind of meat do you think is in that special chili?
Nuff said, never did tell dad what was in that chili as when I talked my uncle out of a couple jars of it Dad was one of the first ones at the pot to dish some up.
Ever since then I always remember one thing. Chili can kill the taste of just about anything.
Now there is one bird that I can't eat and that is Grouse. Sand hills grouse can just about gag me and taste's like sage and liver mixed together. Put it in chili and its OK, I'm coming to dinner.
Nuff said, never did tell dad what was in that chili as when I talked my uncle out of a couple jars of it Dad was one of the first ones at the pot to dish some up.
Ever since then I always remember one thing. Chili can kill the taste of just about anything.
Now there is one bird that I can't eat and that is Grouse. Sand hills grouse can just about gag me and taste's like sage and liver mixed together. Put it in chili and its OK, I'm coming to dinner.