I process 100-200 geese every year. If jerky is not to your liking I'll pass on another option that we use the bulk of our birds for. We mix up to 1/2 goose with either antelope, deer, or elk and grind them together. We use this for making breakfast saucage, brats, italian sausage, salami etc. When my wife can't taste the goose in something then it is a pretty safe bet no one else will either. We have an advantage in that I have all the grinders, stuffers, smoker etc. to do this ourselves but I will tell you it is an easy way to use up a lot of lbs. of goose meat. Goose meat is very dry by nature so after many trys we have learned to compensate by adding extra beef suet to what we would normally use in just straight antelope, deer, elk etc. - especially in the salami.