Huskemaw vs Nightforce


New Member
Jul 20, 2011
How does the Huskemaw glass stack up against Nightforce? I own a couple Nightforce scopes and really like the brightness and clarity. Can a Huskemaw compete with them?
How does the Huskemaw glass stack up against Nightforce? I own a couple Nightforce scopes and really like the brightness and clarity. Can a Huskemaw compete with them?

Nope - not in clarity, but then again I don't take pictures through my scopes so therefore Huskemaw does the job just fine.
I have three Nightforce scopes and two Huskemaws, the older model, and the newer Blue Diamond. I have a hard time seeing any difference in brightness and clarity between any of them, including low light. Tracking on both my Huskemaws is superb. This aspect was most important to me.
Is the Blue Diamond worth the extra money? Is there a noticable difference is glass between the Blue Diamond and the older models?
Is the Blue Diamond worth the extra money? Is there a noticable difference is glass between the Blue Diamond and the older models?

I would buy another Blue Diamond. While clarity and brightness are about the same, I like the color tone that the lenses produce in the sight picture. Also like this aspect better than the NF, bit that is a personal thing.
I have used both for years. I can tell no difference in optics quality between the 2 brands. May be one, but I am unable to see it.

I sell both.
I own 2 Huskemaw's and 1 Nightforce G7. Optical clarity between the 2- too close to call; it is a toss up. As I have had the Nightforce for only 2 months and have not used it yet in a wide variety of conditions I can not comment on which I like better. Time will tell; they are both very good scopes.
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