Hunting with a possible marginal stability bullet

This was inside the rib cage right side being entry. You cant see the exit very well in this pic
So I've been shooting the 180 eld-m in my factory Remington long range in 7mm rem mag 9.25 twist barrel. I have a load worked up for it that shoots under .5 moa with a SD of 6 @ 2959 fps. So far in my testing down to 40 degrees its shot great. What I'm worried about is what this bullet is going to do in sub freezing temps or even below 0 temps that we get during our November rifle season. I really have no way of testing it until the season comes and by that point it's too late. My gut is telling me to switch bullets now and work up a load with either the 162 eld-m or the 168 berger hvld (I have both on hand) before the season is upon us. What do you guys think? Stick with my load and send it or be safe and work up a new one?
I'm shooting the same bullet in a factory 9.25 twist sendero, it's been stable and holds it's group out to 500yds in 30 degree weather. Shows no signs of marginal stability at that range @ 700 ft above sea level. I'm am also shooting the 180 eld in a 8.44 twist & 8.7 twist and of course no problems there. I have a gain twist 9.25-8.4 twist I will be trying it in also but it may be spring time before I get a chance to work on that rifle.
I'm shooting the same bullet in a factory 9.25 twist sendero, it's been stable and holds it's group out to 500yds in 30 degree weather. Shows no signs of marginal stability at that range @ 700 ft above sea level. I'm am also shooting the 180 eld in a 8.44 twist & 8.7 twist and of course no problems there. I have a gain twist 9.25-8.4 twist I will be trying it in also but it may be spring time before I get a chance to work on that rifle.
I did some testing at 300 when the temp got down to 20 and my data was not lining up. I was running 2 clicks low. Wither the BC was compromised dramatically or my scope wasnt tracking properly. 1in group at 300 though so I was ok with that
I did some testing at 300 when the temp got down to 20 and my data was not lining up. I was running 2 clicks low. Wither the BC was compromised dramatically or my scope wasnt tracking properly. 1in group at 300 though so I was ok with that
Yeah my data was just a tad off for the 9.25 twist also but I just shot it @ 300, 400, & 500 and got my dope.
Yeah my data was just a tad off for the 9.25 twist also but I just shot it @ 300, 400, & 500 and got my dope.
The 180 eld is quickly becoming my favorite as well. This summer I was running a g7 of .395 @ 2959 fps. All confirmed at 1000 yards. It's a lazer beam. I previously used the 162 eld but the 180 hits with noticeably more authority at range. Only issue I'm having is I lose BC in the cold with my twist. I shoot anywhere from 500-1800 ft
Among the three rifles I shoot it in, I've found good nodes @ 2830fps 8.44 twis , 2860-2880fps 9.25 twist, and 3170-3180 fps 8.7 twist. Nathan Foster reccommends 9 twist for his 7mm practical for 180s but I think that he says that in case a fellow might want to run a 160s also because Ive had no problem with 8.7 or 8.4 twist. You might have already read some of his articles but it's all good reads with lots of benefitial info for 7mm cartridges on his site under the cartridge knowledge base section. I've found him to be spot on. He's probably got more experience hunting, handloading & building with 7mm than any one else I am familiar with.
Among the three rifles I shoot it in, I've found good nodes @ 2830fps 8.44 twis , 2860-2880fps 9.25 twist, and 3170-3180 fps 8.7 twist. Nathan Foster reccommends 9 twist for his 7mm practical for 180s but I think that he says that in case a fellow might want to run a 160s also because Ive had no problem with 8.7 or 8.4 twist. You might have already read some of his articles but it's all good reads with lots of benefitial info for 7mm cartridges on his site under the cartridge knowledge base section. I've found him to be spot on. He's probably got more experience hunting, handloading & building with 7mm than any one else I am familiar with.
I've read all his content on the 180 eld-m. I know he's a pretty big fan of it
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