I'm interested in learning the theory around matching a bullet/powder combination to a new barrel. There are some threads with people suggesting different powders to try, but that's not what I'm looking for; instead, I'd like to understand the science or art behind thoughtfully, from data, choosing a powder that best fits the bullet/barrel combination.
I've been shooting a Savage 10 in 6.5 CM, 24" bbl, 1:8 twist, with 140gr, H4350, and I'm moving to a 28" Shilen bbl, 1:8 twist. Conventional wisdom says to start load development again and work up to pressure signs, but it occurs to me that it may be short-sighted to assume that H4350 will be equally effective in a longer barrel. Is it true that there are powders with a better burn rate for a given barrel length? And yes, also matched to a bullet weight?
So, my specific question is, how do experienced reloaders think about different powers on the burn rate chart, as it relates to barrel length? Is it generally true that shorter barrels require a faster powder, and longer barrels a slower one? And if so, then theoretically, moving from a 24" to a 28" bbl might drive a consideration of a slightly slower powder? I know this isn't a large change in barrel length, compared to moving from a 16" to a 28", but still, it's the theory behind all this that I'd like to understand. Again, I'm not looking for powder suggestions, but I'm very interested in how knowledgeable reloaders think about burn rates related to barrel length. thx