how to hunt pigs


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2009
l live in turkey and the only way thay hunt pigs(wild boar) here is driven hunts with dogs. l tryed putting apples out in the bush and go wait at night to hunt them when thay come for the apples but no luck. any advice on how to hunt pigs(wild boar) on my own or with my budy? much prefer to hunt during day light. any advice would be good. thanks.
Is it legal to bait where you live? If so here is your winning ticket.....

50lbs Bag of corn
5lbs Sugar
Strip or Two Yeast
6 pack Cheap Beer

Drill a couple 3/4" holes around the Top of the bucket

Back at home, fill the bucket about two thirds of the way with corn (or bird seed). Throw in a couple of cups of sugar. Now add enough warm water to cover the corn; stir with a stick for a couple of minutes. Now add a packet of yeast, stir well, and pop a can of beer and stir that in.
Keep your mash someplace relatively warm. By the next day the corn will have sucked up most of the water, so add more water until the corn is covered again. Within a day or two the sugar, yeast, and corn will start to ferment and a sweet smell will start to waft up from the bucket. One you start to smell the sweetness, put some molasses in the bucket (NOT MUCH), and let it keep fermenting.

I let this ferment for a minimum of 2 weeks before putting it out in the field. This formula works best during spring/summer when the weather is hot/warm.

Dig a hole with a post hole digger roughly 3 feet deep. I like the corn to be level with the ground when the hole is full. leave the area and check on it from a distance every couple days. The least pressure you put on the site the better chance u have of hogs feeding during the day. I like to set up trail cameras and retrieve the pictures every 4-5 days. I also keep adding fresh fermented corn to the site everytime I check the pics to keep the hogs coming back. Once you have a steady flow of hogs coming in, set up at a comfortable shooting range for yourself and sit still. You should be filling the freezers.
thanks alot mate hope this works. you said 6 pack of beer but when u were telling how its done you only said add a can of beer so what do l do with the rest? drink it afta sootin l supose?gun):D
If you can bait then a timed feeder will work best but the sour corn will get them in there fast to find the feeder. dig the hole like said before but i like to poor some in a pan are something that will hold the juice so the wind can hit it. once they find it you got them as long as you don't hunt them to hard they will be there all the time waiting for the feeder to go off.
Yup Jeff 300 is right on too! As for the rest of the beer, just drink it buddy. The only purpose for the beer in the recipe is to kick start the fermentation process.
I dont know what the rules seasons ect are where you are from. but you should be able to just foot stalk pigs without bait or dogs. In summer/hot weather they will be bedded up so it will be hard to find any without dogs. During colder months and early evening/morning they should be out feeding. Best time to hunt is after a shower or light rain this softens the ground and pigs love the colder weather and a chance to dig the soft ground. Ive been hunting pigs here in New Zealand for years with out dogs or bait and have plently of success. Good luck
Add a little diesel fuel to your corn and it'll sour faster. They love it.

A sow in heat in a catch pen will also help.

Timed feeder will trigger a Pavlovian response.

A buddy tells me that he sets a 1 lbs charge of tannerite under his feeder and when they all come in. He shoots it creating a large boom, knocking down all but the large boars and sows. Then, he walks up and shoots the rest while they lay on the ground.

I'm not quite sure whether to beleive it. But, I'm eager to find out.

-- richard
Add a little diesel fuel to your corn and it'll sour faster. They love it.

A sow in heat in a catch pen will also help.

Timed feeder will trigger a Pavlovian response.

A buddy tells me that he sets a 1 lbs charge of tannerite under his feeder and when they all come in. He shoots it creating a large boom, knocking down all but the large boars and sows. Then, he walks up and shoots the rest while they lay on the ground.

I'm not quite sure whether to beleive it. But, I'm eager to find out.

-- richard
Good way to end up in prison.gun)
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