How to Glass Bed a M70....and possibly destroy it!!

My first bedding job was... "special" to say the least. I used JB weld, and I was in a hurry and couldn't get anything for a release agent for the JB weld. A friend said he had used Vaseline. Couldn't find any Vaseline.... I used Bag Balm. Needless to say I had some places that stuck a bit, and the recoil lug was TIGHT! I had to deadblow the barrel while holding the stock. With the scope still on.

Shot a 2" group at 500 the next day. Groups shrunk from .75 MOA to .3-.4 MOA on a good day. Still smells like bag balm a year later though!

Great story.
I wish that a gunsmith would chime in here and give me their options on whether or not my gun is repairable;)
Don't know what the chances of a 'fix' might be, maybe 50%/50%? But you did learn something!
Yah, learned that the only part of the rifle his hands should touch is the trigger! :)
Sorry man... Not funny...
45yrs ago I glass bedded a rifle barrel to a wood stock - permanently! So we're in the same Hall of Fame.
Hope your tale ends better than mine ended. I took my rifle to a gunsmith and then his shop burned in a fire, taking my rifle with it.
But life goes on. I've since learned how to bed rifles and no more clusters - yet! Takes me 5 times longer than the pros, but it's a hobby for me. Not a source of income.
But life goes on. I've since learned how to bed rifles and no more clusters - yet! Takes me 5 times longer than the pros, but it's a hobby for me. Not a source of income.
Took me 3 days to do this. Took almost a full day to gouge out the crap I put in there 4yrs ago. Then came hours of head scratching to figure out how to properly locate the action in a stock with essentially no inflating. Turned out nice, tho, I think.
Ingwe, try not to kick yourself too long. The school of hard knocks is the finest education there is, it's just that tuition is damned high. That particular mistake is one that you will never, ever, repeat. Hope the smith can fix your riflle, and I hope you get back up on the horse. Don't let it whip you, instead , YOU whip IT !!!
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