How many of you try to help out friends, relatives find ammo?


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2003
So I figure we all have friends, etc who hunt, but aren't necessarily avid shooters. They are just accustomed to going and buying a box of ammo whenever they feel like it with no thought to stocking up. Doesn't make them bad people of course, just not prepared for times like this. I'll be in the same boat probably with food, gas, who knows what, if shtf.

But then you try and help. So my bil asks if I can help find ammo for next fall. No ammo anywhere. By some miracle, that very day, an ad pops up for the very caliber he wants, 6 boxes for under 30 bucks each. Not bad says I, can't get ahold of him because it's too late, so I speak for it before someone else does. So after I send the money, he got back to me and said no thanks, not the stuff he normally shoots. Are you kidding me lol? I just had to shake my head. Frustrating.
Bil is clueless. Good on you for trying.

I buy it and give it (pistol). People *really* appreciate it.
I give rifle only when asked.
I do not give out reloads. Period.
For the most part now it's just loaning, or selling at pre-covid prices, or fair trading of bullets, primers and powder.
Used to give my GS 30-50% over the charge as a tip ('cuz he's good and it's a hard business to be in), last time I gave boxes of ammo.
So I figure we all have friends, etc who hunt, but aren't necessarily avid shooters. They are just accustomed to going and buying a box of ammo whenever they feel like it with no thought to stocking up. Doesn't make them bad people of course, just not prepared for times like this. I'll be in the same boat probably with food, gas, who knows what, if shtf.

But then you try and help. So my bil asks if I can help find ammo for next fall. No ammo anywhere. By some miracle, that very day, an ad pops up for the very caliber he wants, 6 boxes for under 30 bucks each. Not bad says I, can't get ahold of him because it's too late, so I speak for it before someone else does. So after I send the money, he got back to me and said no thanks, not the stuff he normally shoots. Are you kidding me lol? I just had to shake my head. Frustrating.
Confucius Say :
BIL needs swift kick in part that goes over fence last
Since January 1st this year I have made 9 factory ammo buys for 5 friends before I got any ammo for myself last Saturday & Sunday.
I always texted or called them first before buying it, They didn't answer,they didn't get it. happened to one of them today!
I only asked them to pay me back at the same price that I paid and they have. I said after the last buy thats it I'm done.
So picked up 400 CCI 450 mag primers for a MN member this week. he's buying tomorrow at my purchase price.

Only for the ones who give me rein and appreciate it! I just had a friend tell me,

"if you see it, and you think it's a fair price, buy it! I'll cover it........" No problem! The same people that don't realize what is going on with ammo, don't realize beggers can't be chooser right now. I'm cringing now because I know some people who in September will probably be calling me wondering where they can pick up some 06, or 270 shells.
Hunting buddy of mine has just started his dive into reloading, I've been helping as much as I can and point him to everything I find. But man it's a tough time to start. He even had a hard time getting a shell holder lol. Been months of work but he's now got everything he needs to get rolling, and a decent idea of the urgency needed to get supplies. Crazy times but help who you can!
Well the ammo came in and I don't think he changed his mind so off to gb it went. I also found some new brass at Brownells last week and snagged 200 pieces. I know his young boy would love to learn to reload and I could set them up with minimal investment as I have duplicates of most tools, but I don't think he's interested in that really either. We'll see. I shouldn't be venting family stuff on an open forum lol. I figured quite a few people would be in the same position.

Heck by the end of summer maybe stuff will be showing up regular. It almost looks like more stuff is popping up all the time now. ammo seek had a bunch of ammo, yeah stupid prices, but just a couple weeks ago there wasn't even that. And powder seems to pop up pretty regularly.
I have been helping a buddy from work find things. I get his specs for what hes looking for and I ask him what his max price is for said item. if i find it i buy it and he pays me back. So far hes $500+ in the hole cuz i havent seen him in a couple months. But I know where he lives. Just ensure your terms are clear prior to committing your own funds to something you cant use. If its something you can use then no worries.

Have had great luck on here working with people for components. Anything requiring hazmat i put up on local hunting forum and 99% of time i get crickets. Was down to 300 LR primers and a guy i sold some stuff to 5 years ago helped me out with 2 bricks of primers for $40 and a box of shells. Its out there, just have to keep asking.
We might be getting off track. I really think that stuff will be much more available by mid summer, and the once-a-year guys will be able to find their box or two of hunting ammo. It's already available at 2 to 3 times the normal price, but at least it's out there now. You couldn't say that 5 or 6 weeks ago.

So long story short, I found some brass for his and his brother's rifles, they don't reload but if it comes down to it I'll see to it they have ammo next fall. No big deal. I did load a few test rounds and gave them to him to try, if they shoot well I'll have a recipe figured out already. Heck I guess if these shortages teach us nothing else, it's that having extra stuff around doesn't hurt a thing. This stuff keeps forever and there's always someone looking for it.
I've been trying to get friends to buy guns and ammo's for the last 2 decades.
Most act like they didn't see any need for it.
In the last two years, many of those have come to me asking me to help them find guns and ammo.

After the election, the requests have really stepped up
Yes, especially for friends that I have done extensive accurizing work on their rifles. They really don't have a connection or knowledge to dig deep to find components. My goal is to train them to do the work themselves, so this time is a learning experience for them. After this go around, I expect them to start a reasonable inventory for themselves and reloading for their future.

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