How many MOA w/Burris Signature inserts?


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2007
Humble, Texas
I did a search but couldn't find what I was looking for. And, due to differences in ring spacing, etc., I know there is not an EXACT answer, but about how much elevation in MOA will I gain using a + 20/-20 ring insert in the Burris Signature (1") Rings?
If you use a +20 /-20 set in just one ring and a set of zeros in the other you'll pick up approx. 20 moa . If you use a +20/-20 set in both rings you'll pick up approx. 40 moa.

It's been my experiance with five different sets of rings that you usually wind up with a little less since the inserts are in thousandths not true moa.

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