How hard is it to build a rifle by yourself??

just like all cars are "cars" that does not make them all the same
there is a big difference in a 700 diy and a custom built rifle
( and not all gunsmiths are the some research)
i build my own chambering included
The first one I did on a Rem 700 SA that I had. Bought a barrel, stock and had a friend (benchrest shooter) help me. I did it in 260 Remington (this was before the Creedmooe craze). We, I say we, I did the work while he looked over my shoulder. We 'blueprinted' the action, chambered the barrel (use a good reamer) and fit everything together. Since then I have bought a small lathe and a milling machine and have done two more with my grandson. Good instruction when I started and learn something new each time I do it now. But very enjoyable. Just take your time!
just like all cars are "cars" that does not make them all the same
there is a big difference in a 700 diy and a custom built rifle
( and not all gunsmiths are the some research)
i build my own chambering included

Yeah there is but the end result is the same. The bullet flies at the same speed and it shoots around the same as "most" of custom builds. Around 1/2 MOA. There are guys will custom builds that are asking for help to get them to shoot.
A Savage action will never be a Bat action ever! All you described is nothing but an off the shelf rifle from BPS not a custom! A good McMillan stock costs about 6-7 hundred.
Why cut corners?
A Savage action will never be a Bat action ever! All you described is nothing but an off the shelf rifle from BPS not a custom! A good McMillan stock costs about 6-7 hundred.
Why cut corners?

Not everyone has the same budget, but can still get satisfaction from putting things together and shooting them? Especially when they turn out shooting very well. It is still something to take pride in! So you shoot 0.500 inch vs 0.250"? You are still shooting well! Definitely minute of deer or woodchuck!

The more shooters in the game.. the better for all of us!
A Savage action will never be a Bat action ever! All you described is nothing but an off the shelf rifle from BPS not a custom! A good McMillan stock costs about 6-7 hundred.
Why cut corners?

No cutting corners. My elk at 600 yards didn't know the difference. When I ring steel at 1100 yards, it sounds the same. For me it's about the end results. The original poster asked about doing it himself.

But you are right, there are some BPS rifles that will print 1/2 MOA while some guys with custom can't.
The actual machine work isn't all that complicated. But access to good accurate equipment would be the problem? But if you round up the parts there is a guy
here in KY that will put it all together for about 700 bucks. He is first rate!
i'd like his info if you can give it, i've been thinking about this for awhile.
Let me preface this with my opinion. There is no comparison between a custom built gun on a Rem 700 or clone action and a bolt together Savage/Remage. But I just had to do it and it feels good!

I started with a 319.00 Savage 12FV in 6.5CM. 2000.00 later I have a custom Rifle if you count all of the tools, gauges, shipping and caliber specific reloading equipment.

I don't have it barely broke in yet with only 27 rounds fired but initial results with Hornady match looks promising with some .3"-.6" 5 shot groups at 100 yards. The initial break in put the first 7 rounds in under .9 inches at 100 yards. This was done cleaning after each shot after 1 slighter shot to get on target!

Gun - $346 with tax
Criterion 26" SS MTU Barrel - $400 shipped
XLR Chassis with Stock - 638

Gun Cost $1384.00


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Best to consult a good gunsmith before you start, if you want it done right. Then if you are a skilled machinist, and have the equipment needed go ahead. It gets expensive if you screw up.
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