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How Do You Hunt Squirrels?

I used to hunt them with fist sized rocks, I hardly ever missed out to 75 yards. My dad made me change over to using a gun, had to shoot them in the head w/a .22, said I was tearin' up too much meat.

Used to have alot of fun huntin' em with cur dogs as a kid. I used to take a cur dog and my little sister along, she had a colder nose on her than my cur. Had to quit that though cause she was instilling bad habits on my dog. Seems when I hunted her in the heat of summer she would start chewin' and pullin' on vines, then as she got a little older she started fightin' at the tree.
When I was a kid I used to sit under den trees with my Marlin M39 Mountie till my legs went to sleep. I slowly moved into still hunting through the woods looking and listening for tell-tale signs. Limbs bouncing, acorn and pine-cone droppings hitting the ground was a dead give-away. That was back in the 70's.
Now I'm too old and broke up (motorcycle wreck) to do alot of walking for fuzzy tailed rats. I just set back and take it easy...........



This is me in my back yard near Shenandoah, Va. at my homemade shooting bench. I'm using my Win 70 HVB in .243Win with 65gr V-Max's at 3500fps. Definately a head shot only proposition! JohnnyK.
This thread appears to be fairly old but it is the first time I've seen it.

I really enjoy squirrel hunting. I use a extremely accurate 22 Anschutz 64 target rifle with Shepherd 3.5x10 scope made for the .22lr. I also drag along a light lawn chair (read "lounge chair") and a plastic 5 gal. bucket holding a range finder, note pad, pencil, coffee thermus, snacks, current shooting magazine or two, a couple of squirrel calls, couple of varmint calls, a crow call and maybe some other stuff depending on the weather. I might even bring my walkman radio and earphones if Nebraska is playing football that day.

Three things not allowed are the %#*@ cell phone, or a pager or anyone else who talks much. Especially any woman who wants to talk about the neighbors, neighbors kids, Obama or their "feelings". It may not bother the squirrels but it bothers me.

Finding the squirrels is not a problem. I live here and know where they are and some of the basic routes they take to go back and forth between the corn crib and the grove. They are all fox squirrels, corn fed and are some of the largest squirrels in the U.S.

Next, go to a spot I know, set up the chair, put the bucket next to it make ready the rifle, open the note book to the right page with the range card on it or make a new card if it is a new spot. An old card will usually have shots from previous hunts maked on it with range and dope data. I might stay in one spot for 20 minutes or all afternoon. Next... just set back and relax. Yes I've even fallen asleep a few times.

If I see one I'll range it or look at the card, maybe try to call it closer or just call to make it stop and look. The other calls?? well you never know what you are going to see.

The challenge? A 100 yard head shot on a squirrel with a 22lr. is just as difficult as a 400 yard coyote with a .243 win. Only cheaper, quieter and you get more chances to do it.

I seldom get skunked unless I "rest my eyes" too long and wake up in the dark. I usually get about 2 to 10 shots in an afternoon and take home from 2 to maybe as many as 6 squirrels. Shots fired or not, it makes a nice Sunday afternoon and somehow Monday doesn't seem as bad as usual!

Semper Fi. ...Mark
I hunt squirrel to tune up for big game hunts !!!! I have two guns i use depending
1) on the weather and wind ! high wind and cloudy I use my savage 93 17 HMR Topped with a cabelas tactical 3-12 ! I then spot and stalk and long range them form between 75 to 175 yards a whole lot of fun
2)when the weather is perfect I take my savage MK II 17 Mach 2 out ! some times i sit some times i spot and stalk with this set up I can reach out to about 110 yards but i try to keep it between from under the tree to 25 yards out !
With both rifles i get 1/4 to 1/2 moa the best shooting out of the box rifles i have ever seen !!!!!!! The squirrels here in Michigan are become hard to find they have all just about moved in to towns for the easy food that people put out for them!!!! I still love to hunt them though !!! The harder the better !!!

1. The first 2-3 hours after sunrise.
2. I like to slip around very slowly often moving only from tree to tree and pause for just a minute before walking to the next tree. Only sit when I get tired of walkin or find a good stand of white oaks.

3. Leaning against a tree for a rest.

4. Never use a call.

5. Weather makes a huge difference IMHO. If its windy I will grab the 39A or speedmaster and hoof it pretty good through the woods covering alot of ground and shooting squirrels on the ground. Uncommonly cold mornings the squirrels may not move untill the sun hits the top of the trees and most of my time is spent scoping the tops of the taller trees for a patch of fur or a tail hanging off of a limb. Light rain doesn't seem to make a difference here. On overcast days I seem to see alot more squirrels on the ground around midday as well unlike blue-bird sky days when they seem to move in the morning and then poof dissapear till evening.

6. Depends on how much boot scoot they got going on:D If they are setting still they aint got a chance.

7. Doubt it, its just a savage heavy barrel 17hmr.
a couple of hours after daybreak or before sunset, i go to a place in the woods where i had seen lots of them while deer hunting.
i sit next to a tree with my .22, zeroed at 25 yards with cb caps. (youve got to know the trajectory of that round at different distances for it doesnt shoot all that flat) i have a terret adjustment scope, and use a rangefinder to be exact. (note: distance is measured to the base of the tree he's in, not to the squirrel)

sometimes i use a call. when one comes out, i shoot him. i found that the low report of the cb caps does not alarm the others in the area and they too will come out

if after an hour, with no action, ill move to another location.

usually, ill bag 1/2 dozen in a 2 hour period.
It has been a few years since I have hunted squirrels. I was given a picture a few years ago by one of my aunts of my first squirrel hunt. I was about 4 years old. We were getting ready to go and were on the front porch of my Grandfathers house. I was standing beside him as he sat in a rocking chair with a single barrel shotgun and my Dad was sitting on the front steps with a single shot bolt action 22 rifle. I don't remember if they got anything or not. I do remember killing my first squirrel at the age of 8. Dad took me out on my Grandfather's land where some hickory nut trees were one evening. We sat there a while and this squirrel came jumping through the trees coming to a big hickory tree. Dad gave me his 20 gauge double barrel and told me to shoot the squirrel the way he taught me to shoot cans off a fence post. I did and that squirrel came tumbling down. By the age of 10 I was allowed to hunt by myself on my Grandfathers and the neighbors land. I got my first 22 rifle for Christmas when I was 10. It was a single shot made my Winchester called a Sears model 1. I used the open sights for a while but in a couple of years I made enough money mowing yards to get a Weaver K4 scope for it and I became very deadly with that rifle. I would hunt with a shot gun until the leaves fell and then with the rifle. In the fall most days right after I got out of school which was only across the road from my house. I would grab one of my guns and head to the woods to squirrel hunt. I would go to a mast tree area and sit and wait and listen for squirrel noise and then if needed sneak up on them. I had to be home by 4:30 for supper when Dad got home from work and we ate a lot of squirrel. In years past I killed squirrels with everything, an air rifle, pistol, shotgun & muzzle loader. I like using a Ruger MkII 5 1/2" 22 pistol. I have contemplated getting a 32 cal muzzle loader rifle to hunt squirrel with for years but have not. Best time to hunt squirrel is very early in the morning and in the cool of the evening about an hour or so before dark. If the wind is blowing hard stay at home.
17 mach 2 Lilja on Sako action and shoot for the head. Body makes a big mess. I do lots of walking. If I see 5 and don't come home with them it is rare. I only hunt them after the deer season before Turkey season comes in. If i miss with that one trust me it's me. That gun will print groups at 100 yds that many of us strive to do with our big rigs.
Remington 541S with a Leupold 2-7 or Savage 93 in 17 HMR with a Leupold 6.5x20 (good out to 150 yards with head shots only). Used to hunt wth a T/C contender 10" match barrel shooting CCI SGB's wearing a Burris 2-7 scope.

-I usually head out in the morning, about 0600 to 1000 seems to be the best time.
-Never used calls, would like to try them.
-I walk and lay down. I usually start by laying near an active walnut or hickory nut tree and let them come to me.
-I hunt with a Marlin 17 HMR model 917V, its the heavy barrel model. Great shooting rifle, Ive made five round jagged holes at fifty yards on several occasions.
-Longest squirrel shot with it is around the 130 yard mark. Large red squirrel standing up, facing away from me. Aimed for the back of the head, round dropped a bit and nailed him between the shoulder blades. DRT
-If I see five, Ill ussually get five as long as I have a chance to shoot.
(I tried to upload a photo, dont know if it worked)
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Great thread. I'm suprised not to hear more about calling them. Every article I remember reading growing up was about "CALLING EM IN." I chuckled the other day when I noticed my electronic predator caller actually had several squirrel in distress sounds on it and was wondering the effectivness. I've always sat em out in stands of Oak and popped em w/ a 22 as they fed around me.
How I hunt squirrels!

I am usually a walker when it comes to squirrels. I will sit and wait on occasions depending on the weather or how I am feeling, but it is usually a long day walking. I use a CZ 452 American in .17Mach2 or a CZ 452 American in .22LR. If the leaves are off the trees, I will usually stick to the mach2 due to the ability for longer shots. If there are still leaves, I enjoy still using the trusty .22LR. It is also nice to sit and just listen for activity. I usually sit for a least a little when deer season is coming and watch my stands and just observe for squirrels. I think squirrel hunting is one of my favorite types of hunting!
I use a pellet or 22LR pill to the noggin. Very effective. I usually bring home my limit. Now that I have my new CZ 455, no squirrel is safe.
I hunt squirrels pretty much the same way I hunt grouse in the woods. Slow stalk/walk while watching for any movements or sound. I've always used a .22 rifle, never tried a shotgun. For me personally squirrels and .22 long guns just go together like apple pie and ice cream. :)

I've never used squirrel calls. For me squirrel hunting is all about getting out and just hunting around. A great form of just enjoying the views and sounds the forest has to offer.

Some of my squirrel guns below. Sorry for all the photos. :D

This is my first squirrel gun and I have owned it for over 30 years. Stevens 15a single-shot.

Mossberg 146b tube-feed. Load up 19 rounds and hunt all day.

Mossberg 152 semi-auto for those real brushy areas and quick follow up shots.

Mossberg 142 bolty for brushy areas and quick shots.

My more recent and more expensive critter getters.

Anschutz 1517HB in .17HMR for the long range shots. I don't think it is as much fun as the .22s because of the louder shots. It is deadly on rabbits though!

Weatherby xxii (Anschutz 64)... this is just pure wickedness and crazy accurate. Best trigger of all my rimfires.
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