Early 60,s
Retired Aerospace Engineer
Camping, hunting, fly fishing, reloader, gun tinkerer...
Raised frugally, did the same with my life.
Every gun I wanted I had to buy, but used dads when needed. Mowed lawns as a kid to buy a 22, then later a 30-30 for deer, traded a an old bolt action 12 ga. Goose gun for a Mossberg 12 ga pump.
Dad gave me a 742 Rem in 30-06 that I did shoot for years. 20 years ago, bought first bolt gun, R700 in 30-06.
Once retired I built my retirement gift which was from a new R700, stripped it for parts, now a custom 7RM, for long range, $3200 with a decent scope. Easily shoots 1000 yds.
3 daughters gave me 6 grandkids, all hunt or love shooting. Most of my other rifles for the grandkids were bargains that we/grandkids handload together, to make inexpensive guns shoot great. All of the g'kids hunt now with stuff I built or bought. Eventually, they will have all of them with the memories of the field and time we spent together.
All told, if I sold everything it would probably be 10-15k over a lifetime. But, the memories, you just can't hang a price tag on that.
Utility or custom rifles can shoot very well. Just figure out what they like to eat.
Put more money in glass than you did your rifle.