morning, I was like most new members, I search the web looking for
reloading info. I saw this website. registered. I have used the site everyday.
I was looking for a load for my 257-7mm and 340wbee. Dr. Vette and think Josh
helped me with the loads. proved for b very interesting, especially the 7mmWbee.
everybody I have seen post info about wbee calibers always complains about
the cost of brass. I have been very fortunate to find alots of wbee brass
gunbroker. I bought 80 rounds of 7mmwbee for $68.00. I use the brass for my
257wbee also. the SEARCH MODE is very helpful.
I do have a question. why is the 7mmwbee not very popular, besides the supposed
price of the brass. why is the 340wbee not popular with elk hunters. extremely
versatile caliber. I have 2 accu-mark and 1 custom made with 30" in
Shilen barrel, straight contour SS, 721 rem. action, #7 contour,
timmey trigger, and H&S precision tactical stock, accurized, and sako extractor. work
done by Pete Phiefer Hempstead TX. the smithy is a one man operation. very very
good. Pete builds his own recurve bows. quit rifle hunting and turned to bows. I have
been, blessed with 2 very good smithy's. Pete is 1, Ripper went to work for
Mauser rifles. I am 70yrs young, PRACTICE, PRACTICE PRACTICE.lightbulbgun)