horus hawk? or nikon monarch?


Jan 24, 2011
Hi guys just looking for a long range scope and an liking both the horus hawk, and nikon monarch with bdc.
THE hawks reticle looks a bit full! but also very accurate and is a point and shooot with no guess work.

The Nikon monarch has the bdc with the mill dots, but are those mills actually calibrated to specific calibers and loads?? or are they just to get u in the ball park?

or are there any other ones that are in this price range and dont involve anywork other than to zero it and look on your range chart to see where to hold for that range?? i just want simple and accurate, no guess work.

gun) thanks guys
I wouldnt need it for 1000 yds anyway. do u find the reticle to be a little bit cluttered for hunting though? Does the monarch even compare? Or is the hawk a little overkill for 600yrd hunting??
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