Hornady SST

Yup! Between Freer & Laredo... We only alow 1 trophy buck per year. The drop tine deer was an 11pt & the big bodied deer was also an 11pt I let them both go due to my commitment to game management on the ranch. I hope they breed and many does as possible. Nobody every saw the drop tine again, but I kept seeing the big bodies 11pt - this guy had a split G2 on the very end on the tine. Boy he was Mr. Macho around the other bucks! Funny to watch him rule the BRUSH!! Seem like he would tell the other bucks "Me Casa"... Can't wait to see these guys again next year? Im getting butterflies just thinking about it. Oh, we are low fenced........ Just have excellent neighbors on 3 sides...

I have shot a LOT of the 130's through my standard .270 Win. mostly FOR hogs. They do a decent job, but as mentioned, you need to have the impact velocity under the 3000fps range. That said, the 140's or 150's might be better for your rifle. THey will also give you a better downrange performance as well.

They are much like the BT as "06" say's and will come apart, but on hogs up to around 200 pounds the 130's have done well for me so far. Just try to keep the shots to the base of the head/neck junction, or slip it in behind the shoulder on a quartering away shot and your good to go. With all the wonderful brush and cactus you got down south, your hogs have more grissle up front than the ones we have up around the Madisonville area.

I haven't used any from the .270 on deer but would imagine they should work equally as well. I have used the 154gr from the 7 mag on a couple and they did wonderful.
Spino, I've only used SST's in my 308 and 30-06 and have had nothing but very good results and clean one shot kills. If you're worried about bullet integrity I would highly recommend the Interbonds, I personally have tried them but don't see the need for a bonded bullet at this time.
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