Hornady Precision Hunter Ammunition 30-06 Springfield 178 Grain ELD-X

Just tried them in my 30-06 M70 Super Grade and my rifle just did not like them-well over 2inch groups 3 shots. Velocity is spot on at just under 2750fps. My rifle really liked the plain jane American Whitetail 180gr ammo though. Shot those into about 1/2 inch at 100yards for 3 shots. A bit of a surprise that the cheaper ammo shoots better but there you go.
I haven't tried them in my 30-06, but I have the 110 grain in my 25-06. It is amazingly accurate, but in concerned about bullet performance.

I shot 2 pronghorn does this year at 130 yards each. One bullet looked like a grenade went off in the chest cavity. DRT. The other penciled through and didn't expand. She ran about 300 yards around the pivot and dropped. Both shots were broadside through the chest.
Well in AR, there isn't really anything you need premium ammo for. Any factory 180 gr softpoint ammo will kill anything you run across.
Yes, our biggest animals are Bull Elk but it is a long shot to get a permit, although my Wife did and my younger Brother as well. And our Black Bear and big Hogs aren't too tough for a 180 softpoint either. But I think that would apply to the rest of North America as well except for Griz/Brown Bear.
Any of you have experience with this Hornady ammo? Performance?
I know it is sort of a newbie question and may not be of any interest to handloaders unless you are thinking of loading this .308 bullet. But there's a lot of experience on this forum, so I thought I'd run it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes.
As far as performance on Deer, I like the 178 alot. I load it in a M700 Milspec 308 to just over 2700fps, about the same speed as the factory 30-06 load.
Shot a Caribou in the Brooks and a couple of Sitka Blacktail with the factory 178 ELD-X load out of my 30-06 last fall. They performed well and were very accurate out of my Tikka.
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