Homemade reloading benchtop material?

Countertop works great. Built a frame for it and then bolted channel iron on both ends of the countertop to mount the presses.
The workbenches from Sam's Club have worked for me for 14+ years. I have 2, arranged in an 'L' configuration. 1 holds both a 6" jaw heavy vise on one end while the other end, side actually, is drilled and tapped to accept both my progressive press and my regular press. It is a very stable setup.
I use a workbench one of the wood processors sell up here, solid 3x3 legs with a 3x3 stretcher down low and a 4'x 5' 2" thick butcher block top. All solid rock maple, when you run into it ,you move it doesn't :) No flex or give so a secure mounting place for everything, wooden tiered shelf built on back to reach all small items without getting up. Love it and it will outlast me.
i used 3/4" MDF(type of particle board) with 2x4 frame. Used long bolts on the front edge of presses that go all the way thru the 2x4 frame with a piece of 1/8" metal under the 2x4. IMG_0669.JPGIMG_0670.JPGIMG_0672.JPG
your buddy is correct. Butcher block to is the way to go. I reload off of a 2" thick butcher block bench and it's solid.!

I was lucky enough to get some maple butcher block top from my granite guy when we were building our house. He installed it in a home and the lady didn't like it so she had home remove it and replace with granite. I picked up almost 20 linear feet of it for under $500. My loading bench is a shade over 13' long. I used the left over piece to build a seating bench in our master bath.

No doubt that stuff is SOLID! A piece about 6' long is all I want to handle by myself. Don't have finished pics because I'm still working on it but will post when done.
T&G pine 2x4 or 6's. Glued, clamped and urethaned Nice cabin feel. I'll get photos of mine this evening.
I was lucky enough to get some maple butcher block top from my granite guy when we were building our house. He installed it in a home and the lady didn't like it so she had home remove it and replace with granite. I picked up almost 20 linear feet of it for under $500. My loading bench is a shade over 13' long. I used the left over piece to build a seating bench in our master bath.

No doubt that stuff is SOLID! A piece about 6' long is all I want to handle by myself. Don't have finished pics because I'm still working on it but will post when done.
Butcher block is solid as a rock. You'll no doubt be happy with it.
Thinking about rebuilding mine, might use kitchen base drawer cabinets and would like an L shape with one side for archery stuff, cutting and fletching arrows, etc. 48x15 or so. Only have a single stage press, rockchucker, and that's plenty since I do mostly rifle. Got lots of crap sitting around in the current one so need better storage.
Thinking about rebuilding mine, might use kitchen base drawer cabinets and would like an L shape with one side for archery stuff, cutting and fletching arrows, etc. 48x15 or so. Only have a single stage press, rockchucker, and that's plenty since I do mostly rifle. Got lots of crap sitting around in the current one so need better storage.
If you have material & space go 18"-20" on the counter top. The extra rooms well worth it.
My first one was 2" thick pressed board counter top without laminate. 2ft x 3ft peices on a 2x4 framewith a 10 overhang for my stools. Got checkered floor laminate and glued it down. I could hang my whole weight on it and no problem.

All components came from the Re Store
I was still working when I built mine and I made press templates out of cardboard
took them in and shape cut 1/2 steel plates that matched each press and hole pattern
Then I sandwiched the table top between the press and the plate with bolts with
nylanuts they are there to stay!
My first one was 2" thick pressed board counter top without laminate. 2ft x 3ft peices on a 2x4 framewith a 10 overhang for my stools. Got checkered floor laminate and glued it down. I could hang my whole weight on it and no problem. View attachment 165792
All components came from the Re Store
Nice clean looking setup!
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