Hog hunting in southeast U.S.

I'll go with the others who recommend Florida. I live in the Clermont area which is about 30 minutes West of Orlando and there are hogs all over the place. You can drive around in the evenings and see wild hogs feeding beside the road all the time. I was on my way to a Turkey hunt in March and saw a very large boar walking down the middle of the road in a nearby subdivision at 4:45 AM. Please come down and harvest as many as you want.

On a side note, we have taken several wild hogs recently and they were all good to eat. The key is to get the younger ones up to 125 or so lbs and clean them ASAP.
SCDNR Links for Information & License Fees
Two Outfitters: Each from different areas of SC

Hope this helps. There are several hunting methods and each, to be effective, requires a different type weapon. Suggest you check with the outfitter you chose as to the preferred weapon for the hunting method they will be using.
WARNING: Brucellosis is very prevalent in Feral Hogs. It is transferred to humans via any type body fluids. It is serious and not something to ignore. Take and wear rubber gloves (dish washing type) when handling. Be sure and cook all meat to 160 degrees internal temp. We have seen first hand what this crap can do to a human and it is not pretty. SO HAVE FUN, BUT, BE CAREFUL!
WARNING: Brucellosis is very prevalent in Feral Hogs. It is transferred to humans via any type body fluids. It is serious and not something to ignore. Take and wear rubber gloves (dish washing type) when handling. Be sure and cook all meat to 160 degrees internal temp. We have seen first hand what this crap can do to a human and it is not pretty. SO HAVE FUN, BUT, BE CAREFUL!

Same with bears.....a rare bear, is not table fare! :D memtb
Sorry, but, as a new member I guess I was under the impression this was a forum of serious, knowledgeable, experienced individuals with a desire to assist their fellow sportsmen. I did not know it was a comedy site. Please forgive me, I will attempt to do better in the future.:(
Only experience I have is Florida and Alabama. Florida is nice because there are no rules to pig hunting. You can bait them, shoot at night, no license (even for out of state) no tags and kill as many as you want. There are a number of places around Orlando and down that supply everything for a hunt. Lots of pigs down there.

I agree with Ross1147. If you are not willing or able to travel to Texas, then Florida is your best bet for size and quantity of hogs.
I'll go with the others who recommend Florida. I live in the Clermont area which is about 30 minutes West of Orlando and there are hogs all over the place. You can drive around in the evenings and see wild hogs feeding beside the road all the time. I was on my way to a Turkey hunt in March and saw a very large boar walking down the middle of the road in a nearby subdivision at 4:45 AM. Please come down and harvest as many as you want.

On a side note, we have taken several wild hogs recently and they were all good to eat. The key is to get the younger ones up to 125 or so lbs and clean them ASAP.
That sounds fantastic. I'll just need to do a little research on where to stay and any hunting regs.
Sorry, but, as a new member I guess I was under the impression this was a forum of serious, knowledgeable, experienced individuals with a desire to assist their fellow sportsmen. I did not know it was a comedy site. Please forgive me, I will attempt to do better in the future.:(

Hi greengiant, might want to lighten up a little. Many of the people on this forum sort of jostle each other's posts and have some fun while doing it once in a while. Memtb is a good guy and sometime can be one of those members who will make some humor on here. The bear comment caught my attention and was of interest to me. And.....I appreciated your comment about the Brucellosis. I black bear hunt and I do eat what we harvest. I have all of my bear meat ground into either hamburg or sweet Italian sausage; even the tenderloins/backstraps. If I am eating beef, I like it rare, but have no desire to eat any steaks or roasts that are cooked til they're like shoe leather. I've been having some symptoms that I cannot figure diagnose, nor can any doctor. The symptoms are sort of like Lyme disease, but............I've been tested and checked many times, the tests come up negative. When I am done with this replay I will be doing a Google search in reference to Brucellosis. And......we too are serious (sometimes over opinionated/crazy), experienced and knowledgeable individuals who assist their fellow reloaders, hunters, shooters and sportsman; you won't find a better group for sharing their knowledge and their wisdom. If you've got a problem these guys will PM you, call you or follow your post to help out with whatever you are trying to resolve or solve
I've been contemplating for a few years on doing some hog hunting. I live in Pennsylvania and don't really want to travel as far as Texas or Louisiana so I would prefer to keep it in the states along the eastern seaboard. That said, I'd appreciate any input on where the best areas would be and "hoops" I need to jump through, i.e. licensing, season(s), and any good hints you may have. Thanx in advance.
Just returned from a Florida Hog hunt. 3 of us took 3 nice hogs (100 - 150 lbs) in a couple of hours. Ron's guide service. Fair price lots of fun.
Sorry, but, as a new member I guess I was under the impression this was a forum of serious, knowledgeable, experienced individuals with a desire to assist their fellow sportsmen. I did not know it was a comedy site. Please forgive me, I will attempt to do better in the future.:(

I will make a public apology, as I meant no offense! I feel that overall, the world is a very cynical place....and that levity is often welcomed by many of us!

As bears are fairly closely related to hogs and have the same potential for Brucellosis....I attempted to expound upon your comment. Many of us that participate on this forum hunt bear and consume the meat from our kills! memtb
memtb. On second thought, I think maybe it should be me doing the apologizing for my hair-trigger remark. As a 75 year old lifetime hunter, and Board Member then President of our area's largest Whitetail Dog Hunting Club for many years, I have listened to way too many smart-aleck remarks made regarding serious situations (not a reason, just an excuse). Alibiiv, hit the nail on the head with his description "(sometimes over opinionated/crazy). I will try and increase the poundage of my trigger-pull in the future and hopefully be able to learn some new tricks from and make a positive contribution to the forum.
You are gonna work for any public land hog in Florida. Most public land hogs are legal game during small game season which creates long season pressure. Far South Florida, the panthers have eaten them all.
memtb. On second thought, I think maybe it should be me doing the apologizing for my hair-trigger remark. As a 75 year old lifetime hunter, and Board Member then President of our area's largest Whitetail Dog Hunting Club for many years, I have listened to way too many smart-aleck remarks made regarding serious situations (not a reason, just an excuse). Alibiiv, hit the nail on the head with his description "(sometimes over opinionated/crazy). I will try and increase the poundage of my trigger-pull in the future and hopefully be able to learn some new tricks from and make a positive contribution to the forum.

No harm....no foul! Hell.....we might even learn to like each other! :) memtb
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