Hodgdon is getting on my last nerve

Going to try the IMR 7977 in 270 win., 270 wsm, and 300 win. mag.

Their doing it with every thing in sight, TP, food, guns, ammo, people are going crazy, proof that there are a lot of scared rabbits in the world.
We should be prepared but that don't mean we need to be stupid and greedy.
I like the way you typed your post. :)
Everyone is upset about toilet paper and everything else that keeps flying off the shelves when we, who reload, have been dealing with this situation for years everytime we need components. Just thought someone who is stressed out about anything might get a laugh. If humor could run a rampant as this pandemic has, it would be a much better place.
Thanks for all of the info! I finally got to look at and clean a couple of my rifles. The first two pictures are of a .223 and 6.5 CM. The carbon rings weren't too thick and cleaned up pretty easily with Eliminator and a plastic bore brush on a drill.

The last picture is a carbon buildup in the shoulder of the 6.5. It was thick and very difficult to get out. Any idea what woudl cause it, or if it would affect accuracy? The 6.5 has about 400 rounds down it and none of them were very light. I never noticed carbon or powder deposits on the outside of the neck or shoulder after firing.




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I'm going to vent. I'm probably gonna get kicked off the forum, but I think I'm speaking for most of us when I ask if the people running Hodgdon have their heads up their --- or something. Retumbo, H4350, H1000, Varget, are all STAPLES of the Hodgdon brand, and it's like trying to find pixie dust. Do they want to lose customers? Why is it that a company who makes gunpowder, and has been doing so forever, can't keep up with demand? Are they not investing enough of their profits into the company and their equipment? You would think that the demand for their products would be incentive for them to make more of it.
Am I missing something here? For all of the powder companies out there, now is a great time for them to get their engineers and marketing teams in order and produce powders that are temp stable with comparable burn rates. When I find something that will replace my Hodgdon powders, I'm jumping ship. Their management appears to be about as in touch with their customers as Remington's marketing.
just ordered h4831sc h4350 and varget powder valley must have received order from hodgdon get it while you can
I am a multi-generational New Yorker and an avid sportsman. The laws here have gotten much more restrictive in the last 10 years and will continue to do so with the liberal Democrats holding the governor's office and both houses. Yes - I'd like to move to a free state like most shooters.

However, when you are firmly rooted in your location and moving means choosing between your family and your guns, the only option for me was to stay in NY and comply with the ridiculous regulations that exist here. I love the shooting sports but I love my kids and grandsons more.
WHAT DID YOU SAY!!?? You love your kids and grandkids more than your guns! Holy cow, man! Don't say that around this forum! Geez, I've heard everything now!
I'm going to vent. I'm probably gonna get kicked off the forum, but I think I'm speaking for most of us when I ask if the people running Hodgdon have their heads up their --- or something. Retumbo, H4350, H1000, Varget, are all STAPLES of the Hodgdon brand, and it's like trying to find pixie dust. Do they want to lose customers? Why is it that a company who makes gunpowder, and has been doing so forever, can't keep up with demand? Are they not investing enough of their profits into the company and their equipment? You would think that the demand for their products would be incentive for them to make more of it.
Am I missing something here? For all of the powder companies out there, now is a great time for them to get their engineers and marketing teams in order and produce powders that are temp stable with comparable burn rates. When I find something that will replace my Hodgdon powders, I'm jumping ship. Their management appears to be about as in touch with their customers as Remington's marketing.
just found h 4831sc and varget at brunos
I'm going to vent. I'm probably gonna get kicked off the forum, but I think I'm speaking for most of us when I ask if the people running Hodgdon have their heads up their --- or something. Retumbo, H4350, H1000, Varget, are all STAPLES of the Hodgdon brand, and it's like trying to find pixie dust. Do they want to lose customers? Why is it that a company who makes gunpowder, and has been doing so forever, can't keep up with demand? Are they not investing enough of their profits into the company and their equipment? You would think that the demand for their products would be incentive for them to make more of it.
Am I missing something here? For all of the powder companies out there, now is a great time for them to get their engineers and marketing teams in order and produce powders that are temp stable with comparable burn rates. When I find something that will replace my Hodgdon powders, I'm jumping ship. Their management appears to be about as in touch with their customers as Remington's marketing.
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