Hitting pressure early in 6.5 PRC

Good to know! Thank you. Looks like I may have to try some different primers in the future. 3 firings out of brass is a bit of a bummer. I'm sure this Nosler brass won't be an exception.
You will not have to throw brass away, good lord. There are lots of ways to address the case web issue. Most people experience it with adg brass, very very thick. Don't know anything about nosler but I'd be surprised if it is heavy like adg. What does a empty case weigh?
Good to know! Thank you. Looks like I may have to try some different primers in the future. 3 firings out of brass is a bit of a bummer. I'm sure this Nosler brass won't be an exception.
Oh, I'm not saying you only get 3 firings, I'm saying its something you should start checking. You won't likely see issues for way more. I have more than 8 firings, lost count, on my current brass set. You just need to be mindful of it with the 6.5 PRC. I know belted cases get a similar issue and there are some special dies out there to fix it. Maybe someone will come up with a new die to fix this issue. You will get a bunch of uses out of the Nosler brass. I used it in my 300 WSM and was very good. You still need to anneal to keep the necks in proper shape but I got very good results in my 300 WSM.
I've loaded my Hornady 6.5 PRC cases 7x and haven't had a problem. Pockets are still good. I would load them again if I was annealing them.
Yeah, I didn't start loosing Hornady cases to primer pockets until around 9 reloads. Note, I am running in the upper velocity node so I'm putting a lot of pressure on them, but at .89 cents new its not a big deal. I do anneal once every 2 shots to keep the necks consistent, but that has no effect obviously on the web issue or primer pockets. The Hornady 7mm LRM brass I use starts dropping a few primary pockets here and there around 4-6 uses. The more pricey brass might stand up to pressure a little better but I hate paying +$2 per case for brass, kind-a one of the reasons I built my 6.5 PRC.
222 for adg and 224 for gunwerks. Weighed a few hornady and they were 216-219.
I show early signs of pressure with nosler brass with my 6.5 284 norma but not with my 2 6.5 prcs using hornady brass I've worked up too 63.5 grs of n165 with a cci 250 mag primer toped with a 123 gr absolute hammer at 3452 fps with no pressure issues the 6.5 prc has been one of the easist cartridges I've loaded for but I'm not at saami specs . 145 freebore unless your loosing primer pockets ejector marks etc bolt lift could be a sizing issue allways be careful all else fails have a competent gunsmith check your chambering
I show early signs of pressure with nosler brass with my 6.5 284 norma but not with my 2 6.5 prcs using hornady brass I've worked up too 63.5 grs of n165 with a cci 250 mag primer toped with a 123 gr absolute hammer at 3452 fps with no pressure issues the 6.5 prc has been one of the easist cartridges I've loaded for but I'm not at saami specs . 145 freebore unless your loosing primer pockets ejector marks etc bolt lift could be a sizing issue allways be careful all else fails have a competent gunsmith check your chambering
I'm not the one having issues. At 5x my adg was tight in the chamber but that issue was/is solved with different methods depending on which way a person wants to go.
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